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Sorry for the last short chapter this one will be longer in return, jsyk this chapter was based off of jealous by eyedress. Very good song

( ^▽^)

Time seemed to freeze as the words just fell from my lips without warning.
"I like you, Katsuki."

Kiri pov Σ(>Д<)

my words felt as if they echoed through the air, my heart pounded. When the realisation of what i had just said finally hit me, i stepped back slightly, wanting to wait for his reply. He stood there the blood drained from his face.
He asked with a shaky voice, his gaze attached to the ground.
I feel my eyes tear up, what i thought the feeling was mutual, maybe i was imagining it. I take a breath to speak again.

"You could have anyone you want"
He cut me off again
"Why would you want to be with me, i'm nothing special."

The sky seemed to darken sucking all the colour from the cherry blossoms leaving nothing but a lifeless grey and Bakugou's tired eyes infront of me. My heart sank as tears spilled over my eyes, down my cheeks i tried to swallow it down but i couldn't stop. The sky wept as if it was me standing up there watching the scene unfold.

After the suffocating awkward silence (caw caw), i finally plucked up the courage to speak again.
"What... what do you mean, of course i want to be with you. You are special... you're so cool... I don't... understand, i-"
My voice trembles with each word i say, Bakugou stood there staring off into the distance looking almost lost.
"Be with whoever you want. I don't care."

"But i like you-"
I feel so bad why doesn't he believe me.
"I don't care, don't even tell me."
He clenches his fists as he turns to walk away, his back facing me. I try to reach out as i slip on the wet grass. walking toward him, balancing back i speak again.
"But i care, do you not think about me too-"
I grab his shoulder from behind, preventing him from walking away more.

"I dont care about myself, cause everyone's trying to hurt me-"
He says as he turns his head to the side, lifting his hand.
"No- i-"
I take a step closer
"Just leave me alone."
He swipes my hand off of his shoulder
He takes a step away
"Just leave me alone."

"Bakugou, can't you just-"
He takes another step away

"I just wanna be alone."
Solemnly, he sighs, his head down as he walks away back to the dorms.

I couldn't move, i felt as if i was stuck in place as the rain soaked me from head to toe. My gaze lingered in the spot where Bakugou just was, i let out a shaky breath that i didn't know i was holding in. I shrugged my bag back onto my shoulder before walking back to the dorm by myself.

I pulled my wet hair back as the rain made my hair fall down. Step by step i got closer to the dorm but the adrenaline had ran out by now and how cold i actually was caught up to me. I was shivering, wet and upset. This felt really horrible. I had never fully experienced a rejection before and i thought it was a bit exaggerated in media and stuff like that but... damn. It hurts. I swear i could physically feel my heart shatter in the moment.

But this was even worse than a normal rejection, we were friends, best friends, how will it be afterwards. Its not like its the weekend tomorrow and we can have time to ourselves but its a tuesday. The rest of the week is still ahead. Before the Bakusquad "formed" Bakugou was kinda alone, he never really spoke to anyone unless he was shouting at them. I don't want him to be alone again no matter how much he hurt me earlier.

When i finally reached the 1A dorms, Mina, Denki and Sero jumped out to comfort me. How did they know i hadn't told them... Oh... right, Bakugou yeah he must've walked in earlier and they got the memo that it didnt end well.

They kept trying to ask what happened but i just carried on walking, leaving droplets of water on the floor. Leaving them on heard not saying anything, i went to the kitchen to get some food. Id rather not go to my dorm room right now, 'cause ours are right next to each other and i dont want to think about it too much.

They eventually got off my back and stepped away a little to have their own whisper-shout conversation. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but i heard mine and Bakugou's name a few times but i tried to ignore it, continuing to eat my sugar infused snack. I turned my head around when i heard Mina huff and storm to the lift to go upstairs. Where's she going... Bakugou's room... no surely not.

Mina pov Σ(゚ロ゚;)

I'm going straight (unlike you reading this, no straight ppl. sorry but its true (*ゝω・*) ) to Bakugou's room, i am fuming. Kiri has been nothing but nice to him. I mean fair enough if he genuinely doesn't like him back but Bakugou left Kiri in the rain! That's just rough. But also there is no way in hell that Bakugou doesn't like kiri back like what. Be fucking for real. It's my ship, im never wrong when it comes to my ships.

When the lift finally got to the 4th floor i stormed out and stomped my way over to Bakugou's room. I lifted my arm to bang on the door and shake the handle with my other hand till he let me in but it turned out to be unlocked anyway. When i realised it was unlocked i went to pull the door open ready to go off on Bakugou's ass.

Bitterly, i swung the door open, i didn't expect to see alot of things but what i saw was probably the last thing i would've thought of. Before what i saw registered in my head, i began to yell but was almost instantly cut off by shock. I was speachless, the anger had completely gone i had no idea what to say, what to think, what to do. I stumbled back all the way to the other end of the hallway, stopping when my back hit against the wall.

"W-what the-"
I stuttered still in shock as i just looked at the Bakugou i had never seen before infront of me.

Our eyes were locked both of us frozen, when Bakugou shook his head slightly, jumping up to slam the door shut with his side.

My eyes filled with tears, what the fuck had i just seen. No way this is just some stupid nightmare that i can wake up from. What do i do, i couldn't shake the image burnt into my brain.

When my mind and body finally came back to reality, i rushed over to open his door again but this time when i tried to wiggle the handle it was locked. I yelled out for Bakugou, telling him to open the door as i knocked continously. I called out more hoping he'll respond when i heard a thump. Did he fall or something? i carried on aggressively thrashing the doorknob attempting to get it to open.

Nothing, i was met with nothing, maybe it was just a figment of my imagination, maybe i imagined the worst thing possible before i actually knocked. But what if it was real, then what.

I never thought he'd be the type to do something like that, its so fucking stupid, like there's no point to it. It's horrible, it's just plain gross. Why, why?

1330 words
Heyyy left you guessing again haha, jsyk i tried to put a diff perspective of this thing cause not alot of people actually understand it so yeah. Anyway thanks for the support. Stay safe and have a great day/night

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