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"This'll do for now... I suppose. Gosh I'm so fucking stupid!"

I sigh...
so pathetic.

I push my body weight back to standing up completely, not leaning on the edge of the sink anymore. I begin to walk to the door. About to walk out of the bathroom, i take a deep breath, placing my hand on the doorknob. slowly i open it, stomping out, putting on the facade that keeps me safe. The fake face i hide behind.

I just realised I'm late to the lesson all because i got a little emotional. fuck im useless.

i speed up my pace, making my way to the training ground Aizawa Sensei said that we'd be at today.

I made it to the training ground... but...
Its empty
Nobody's here...

Did i do something wrong, i must not of listened properly. Fuck.
Why cant i do even the simplest things right.
Fucking hell!

i cant breathe.
Not again.

3rd person <3

The unusually empty hallway was shrouded in silence except for one thing. A young boy stood dead still, hyperventilating. He had a mile long stare, almost as if he was looking into another dimension.
His surroundings almost seemed to frazzle with him, distorted and doom laden.

The boy struggled to stay standing as if boulders were laying upon his shoulders dragging him down into the deep, dark depths of his thoughts.
Why is it that he never seems to be happy.
Never a pure happy moment.
Theres always something in the back of his mind.
Something heavy.
Holding him back.
He cant escape.
A prison.
A cage.
A bottomless well, he's been falling down for years. It never seemed to stop.
Not even one break.

His eyelids seemed to droop, he was just tired.
He wants to cry but...
Theres no tears...
He feels as if he is crying but theres nothing but an empty stare painted on his face, his under eyes dark as if eyeliner smudged from crying lay beneath his bloodshot eyes.

A wave of realisation that he had been standing in the same spot for who knows how long, hit Bakugou like a train.

Bakugou thought to himself 'fuck it, i can't be arsed' as he just took off to his dorm room.

He trudged along to the dorms his eyes nailed to the ground as to not accidentally catch someone elses although, there was nobody else around. Making it to the dorms he unlocked the front door and dragged his feet up the stairs to his room.

Opening his room door felt like a breath of fresh air but at the same time a beckoning call to hell to him. He wanted to break down and cry right about now but... he couldnt feel his face. He couldnt even move his face. As a cold shiver crawled up his back and down his arms in a slight neck jolt, he sat on his bed limply.

It was a friday so the weekend started early, he doesnt have to go out at all tomorrow or the day after, he could just shut himself away like he always does. Locked in his room all day just close his eyes and think. Think in the darkness of his free space but the walls were thin as paper so it felt more like a house of cards. Better than staying at "home" for him right, not having to be beaten and yelled at for every slight movement he makes. At least he doesn't have to worry about his mother randomly stomping into his room and complaining about how she thinks he's useless and a waste of space.

Lethargically, Bakugou layed in his bed, too drowsy to change out of his hero costume. He didn't have his gauntlets because he hadnt even picked them up yet, they were left in the dimly lit changing room.

Baku pov (*TーT)b

I must have dozed off as the loud bang of the door and chatting of the rest of my class entering the dorms awoke me. Sluggishly, i sat up from my bed drenched in sweat. Another nightmare, a nightly occurrence for me, fuck!

I struggled to get out of bed but did.
Im just going to have a shower i feel so disgusting right now.

As i step into the shower the immediate, recognisable sting of my self inflicted injuries was the first thing i noticed as the hot water ran down my body. Soothing yet painful together it was oddly calming but still i couldn't move my face.
i cant smile.
i cant cry.
i cant even look angry.
It all looks so unreal.
i cant even feel sad.
i feel nothing.
i feel empty.
This isnt the first time this has hapened, its actually kind of a regular state of my mind but this time...
this time it just seems so much more... intense.
i dont know how to describe it in words...

The water stops running after i turn it off and step out of the shower, i dry myself off and change into some clean clothes. Just a black hoodie and black bottoms. I pull my hoodie hood up, shading the top half of my face away from the light. Before i go back to laying in my bed, i check to see if i did lock the door. I hadnt done it earlier so i locked it and fell back onto my bed.

I dont have to leave this spot for the next couple days.

996 words
Again im sorry this is a shorter chapter and i just dont have a consistent writing schedule but i hope you like this one. the next few chapters that i have a plan for are not going to be happy thats for sure but right after that i will fo a nice kiribaku one so font fright.
btw it gives me motivation to write when i see nice comments ty ♡♡

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