Chapter 𝟺: 𝙇𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣? 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 ? 𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 ?

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After I thought of that possibility I realized that she might be a little bit more stronger than she looks. 'I was deceived by her beautiful looks that I completely missed the possibility of her being an enemy' it took me while before realizing what I said about her looks and once again I felt my face get warmer. But I shook it off. And walked up to her.


'It's either he's very weak or I'm that strong, I still have my gloves on it should've reduced my strength at After this phase had needed she soon noticed a blond haired guy who was talking to Asta 'Hemust be his friend, I think I heard his name from somewhere I think it was...Bah-ha..?' least the I think leader of the thugs didn't die and thankfully I didn't put much effort into that kick earlier otherwise it would've killed the rest of the thugs and everyone behind them' I thought as I sweat dropped before sensing another presence approaching me.

I looked to my left and found crocodile in front of me. 'Crocodile? Why is he here maybe Adam wanted him to meet me I'm sure he's going to Alabasta after a while...Woah, he's much taller than I thought and a lot scarier...' I sweat dropped again before he started to talk. "Are you new to Lougetown?" He asked me. I composed myself "Yes, I am!" I said in a soft tone as I smiled slightly. I saw his cheeks turn bright red when I talked.

'Was there something on my face? Was he mad at me for beating up a gang? Is he going to kill me?!' I thought before he talked again. "Would you like me to show you around?" He said with a smirk on his face. I was surprised he would say that after what I've done but I nodded and he started to walk in front of me as I followed. "My name is Crocodile.." he said while walking "I am Y/n!" I said enthusiastically but I still couldn't figure out why was everyone staring at me especially the men they had hearts coming out of their eyes and some woman are blushing like crazy? maybe there was a beautiful person somewhere.

Crocodile POV:

As soon as I heard her talk I couldn't help but think 'Her voice is so soft and her smile is making her even more beautiful, why am I feeling this?' I thought as my cheeks felt very warm I asked her if I could show her around she nodded and I started walking in front of her and she followed. I smiled as I thought. 'Was it her looks, how she spoke, her strength? I don't know but I felt at peace around her..'

3rd Person POV:

After Crocodile showed Y/n around he asked her if she had a place to stay 'No, I don't' Y/n replied he told her that she could come stay with him if she wanted Y/n agreed, and followed him to his temporary house. That was enough to settle Y/n's thought earlier since he has a 'temporary' house he should be going to Alabasta soon.

Y/n POV:

I followed Crocodile to his temporary house but I couldn't shake off this weird feeling as if I am missing something, Once we arrived I looked around and crocodile went to work in his room.

I left a note saying that  'I will be back soon!' I ran to the deck and made a small boat and sailed I wasn't going to leave forever but there was something I missed, I just can't put my finger on it. I sailed and teleported to different places for a couple of minutes before just giving up and was about to teleport back when I heard a sound or more like a thump.

I quickly sailed to where the sound had come from it was far away from where I was so I used my powers to make the water push me to go faster. I finally reached a ship and I widened my eyes as I realized what ship this is.

'THE MOBY DICK!' I quickly shouted in my head. 'I completely forgot that Blackbeard was gonna kill thatch!' I jumped onto the boat's railing and saw Thatch on the ground and Teach that was gonna leave before he saw me he was surprised.

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