Chapter 𝟸𝟹: 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙨!?!

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"Ah, so you're the one other than the Goddess with the highest bounty in the East blue? Oh how the headquarters navy standards have fallen" Mr.3 laughed "Woah! What a weird head!" Luffy said 'You're trying to make him mad aren't you?' Y/n sweat dropped "QUIET YOU!" Mr.3 yelled "It's the number 3 and it's on fire!" Luffy kept exposing "I said shut up!" Mr.3 yelled again "Hm? Did you guys need help?" Y/n shouted to the 3 about to become wax figures "No, there is was no problem at all" Zoro replied as Nami gaped at Zoro's almost cut leg

"How was that no problem at all?!" She shouted Cover that up it's painful looking at.." Nami said about Zoro's almost cut leg "Well then don't look at it!" He simply replied. 'Well seems they are in good shape..' Y/n laughed to herself.

"Anyway, could you break this pillar for us Y/n?" Zoro asked as Y/n smirked which caused everyone to blush. "Sure, why not?" Y/n said as she warmed up her arm "Are you guys coming, I definitely can't do this on my own!" Y/n yelled as both Luffy and Usopp followed 'I definitely could but I wanna make myself look humble' Y/n thought.

Y/n took notice that Miss. Golden week was just having a picnic with herself not concerned at all 'If we weren't enemies I would've joined you *sigh* too bad...' Y/n thought again "You guys take the other two! I think I'll add Luffy to my wax collection I am sad to say this but I'll have to add The goddess to my wax collection too-" he was about to continue before Y/n had enough "Goddess this, Goddess that, CALL ME Y/N DAMN IT!" Y/n burst out as Mr.3 and his accomplices shivered.

"Looks like Y/n-Chan finally burst..." -Haku-Chan

'I know we're in a rough situation right now, but Y/n looks hotter when she's mad..Wait- What the hell am I saying?!' Zoro thought as he blushed and looked away to be honest everyone thought of the same thing.

Even under the circumstances, everyone was arguing with each other like how Zoro is doing a pose and how he isn't serious and How Nami thinks he's stupid and Vivi wanting them both to be more serious. "If you wanna do a pose do it now" Zoro said striking a cool pose "Don't let me go down to your level" Nami replied crossing her arms "Mr.Bushido! I advise you to be more serious!" Vivi argued "I'm always serious" Zoro replied "You mean always stupid" Nami added.

'Ever since that Godde- I mean- Y/n and Luffy came along, they've been acting like this, they don't even look that reliable!' Mr.3 thought as Mr.5 called out to him, "We can finish them off" Mr.5 added "Huh? Don't be silly, they showed up here alive and well because your attacks don't work at the very least, they are at a level that's too much do you to handle." Mr.3 simply explained 'Oooof that's harsh, one point for Mr.3 zero to Mr.5' Y/n commentated 

"You guys are way too damned annoying, You've gone way too far, Especially for what you did to Y/n! Give yourselves up!!" Usopp yelled as he was riding Karoo 'Well looks like Usopp's turned into full cowboy mode he really might be cool!' Y/n thought again "Okay let's do this!" Usopp shouted as they both ran backwards aka 'running away' "OKAY ALL PREPARATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK Y/N! LUFFY!" Usopp shouted "Heh, I knew it was way to good to be true" Y/n said out loud as Luffy turned back to Usopp and Karoo

"Hah? Did you say something?" Luffy asked them "I've got you now! Candle lock!" Mr.3 shouted as he caugh both Luffy and Y/n's legs "What's this?" Luffy asked examining the dried candle "Damn! He's already got Luffy and Y/n?" Zoro asked.

Y/n just looked at the candle that locked both of her feet together "I am gonna try breaking it.." Y/n said "Hah! Even for you Y/n, there is no way you ca-" Mr.3 was soon interrupted by the sound of his candles breaking 'Huh, I thought it would be stronger than that' Y/n thought as she brushed off the candle dust "Was that all?" Y/n asked as Luffy used the candle on his feet to break the whole contraption that was making his friends into wax "Oh good use of your disadvantage, Luffy!" Y/n complimented as He blushed a little and got down "Yea!" He shouted back 'He was actually smart for once!' Y/n thought impressed.

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