Chapter 𝟸𝟺: 𝙒𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚...𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙩 𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙮?

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Hello, my darlings! Haruko here! Since I haven't been posting much lately I made an extra-long part! I hope you enjoy bye bye!

"Such!.....nice!....tea!...." Luffy grunted trying to get out of the trap spell "Why??!" Y/n also grunted trying to move out of her pouting position 'Why the hell am I under this spell I thought I'm a goddess, can't I just get out of this stupid trap spell?!' Y/n whispered to herself.

"Well, Y/n-sama..." a mysterious voice answered "Who the hell are you?" Y/n muttered as the fruit's effects would not let her speak in her normal volume "I'm Sol, I am basically a great sage" the voice answered as a tiny blue haired and green eyed fairy with a sparkly green dress appeared in front of Y/n "Well? Why can't I get out of this stupid spell?!" Y/n grunted in pain once again.

"Every devil fruit contains a small amount of Allisiolite dust" Sol explained as a look of mild shock covered Y/n's face 'Isn't Allisiolite that stone that weakens Gods and Goddesses?' Y/n thought as Sol knew what Y/n was thinking so she nodded "W-well what do I do?" Y/n whispered before Sol answered a loud voice boomed through the battlefield.

"Y/n!! Luffy!!!" Usopp yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Usopp suddenly shouted as both Y/n and Luffy flinched but nonetheless the effects of the fruit continued then Usopp saw the paint marks on both Y/n and Luffy's clothes, no more than a second later Mr.5 launched an attack but before anyone could react Usopp and Karoo jumped through the air.

"Special Attack! Exploding Star!" Usopp shouted as he launched two small rocks with his catapult one at Luffy and the other at Y/n, "Ha! Not only did he miss so he hit his other friend but he accidentally threw another bomb hitting the Goddess!!" Mrs.Valentine chuckled.

After Usopp had been hit by Mr.5's attack Mr.5 cackled "Ha! I don't think I mentioned this but my breath explodes!" He explained as Usopp mumbled "Have you two come to your senses?" Usopp asked his two friends "Y-yeah" Luffy stuttered as Y/n slowly got up "Jeez Usopp, you didn't have throw a whole bomb at me I could've gotten out of there anyway" Y/n said as she slowly got up taking off her burnt jacket that had the mark on it.

"You're damn lucky you didn't burn off any other of Y/n-sama's clothes, you long nosed pervert!" Sol shouted as Y/n grabbed Sol and put her in Y/n's pocket "There, you okay, Luffy?" She asked as Luffy looked at the small fairy surprised "Uh Yeah I'm okay, is she your friend or something?" Luffy asked pointing at Sol as Sol got out of Y/n's pocket and right up to Luffy's face "What?! You think you can take Y/n-sama away from me? Well you're wrong you rubber-man-idiot!" She shouted as Luffy got offended "Hah?! I didn't even say anything about taking Y/n away! Plus you can't take her away from us either!" Luffy shouted as both of their foreheads clashed.

before Sol could insult him anymore Y/n grabbed Sol and put a finger on her mouth to shut her up "WELL YOUR STUPI- MGHFJAHSHSHJSJSJS" Sol shouted as Y/n's finger muffled everything she said, "Sorry, Luffy don't mind her let's just beat up these guys" Y/n said putting Sol next to the burnt Usopp "Mhm!" Luffy replied "Sorry, Usopp deal with Sol for a while will ya?" She said as Usopp nodded with his face bright red "What's wrong with you?" Sol asked Usopp.

Well he remembered when Sol said: "Your damn lucky you didn't burn off any other of Y/n-sama's clothes, you long nosed pervert!" 'Y/n? without clothes? AHHH WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME THAT WEIRD FAIRY PUT THE IDEA INTO MY HEAD" Usopp shouted to himself although that thought aside he felt pretty bad for throwing a bomb at Y/n.

"Crap! That attack was meant to burn their clothes and the trap with it to undo that mental manipulation" Mrs.Valentine shouted "I think we've had just about enough of this paint traps" Y/n said as Luffy cracked his knuckles, "I refuse to let anyone else die!" Luffy shouted

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now