Chapter 𝟷𝟸: 𝙇𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙣?

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You'd think that Y/n was scared because how fast the ship was going but NOPE she was loving it 'Is this the amusement park roller coasters everyone was talking about in the real world?' Y/n thought happily enjoying the wind.

"That girl seriously needs therapy for her childhood trauma..." -Haruko


"Whatever 🙄" -Haruko

"Did anyone hear that?" Zoro asked "Huh? What'd you say?" Nami asked "I said did anyone hear that?" Zoro said a little louder as Nami explained it must be the wind "Ummm I don't want to scare anyone but I think that noise was a whale not the wind" Y/n said "What?! A whale in the middle of the entrance of the Grandline?" Nami asked "Nami-swan, Y/n-chwan I see a mountain!" Sanji shouted "A mountain?!" Nami shouted "Must be a big whale then..." Y/n said "I'm sorry Y/n but I don't think there will be a random whale in the middle of the Grandline entrance" Nami said 'Oh you have no idea' Y/n thought. soon the vision became clear there was A giant whale. "A WHALE?!" Nami shouted "Told ya" Y/n said as Nami was slipping off the ship a little Y/n noticed so she grabbed her hand and pulled her close so she wouldn't fall which caused Nami to blush like a tomato "Y-Y/n?" Nami stuttered "You were about to slip so just stay beside I won't let you fall" Y/n smiled which caused Nami to blush harder little did Y/n know literally everyone on the ship was jealous that Nami got to be closer to you instead of them.

"How do you think Hancock will react to Y/n?" -Haruko

"I don't know you're writing the god damn story" -Zane

"Oi! Watch your language" -Aaron

"Hmm I don't know but there are only two reactions that she might give" -Sho

"What are they?" -Adam

"She'll either hate Y/n for being more beautiful than her times a million" -Marina

"Or she'll fall in love with Y/n even more than she is with Luffy" -Aurora

"I bet on hate Y/n" -Aaron

"I bet on love Y/n" -Sho

"Whoever loses gives the winner 20 bucks" -Aaron

"Your on" -Sho

'Woahhh Laboon is way bigger in here than if you watch it in the anime' Y/n thought "Wh-wh-wh-what're we gonna do?!" Usopp yelled "Can we fight it?" Luffy asked "Idiot! There is no way we can fight that!"Nami shouted "B-B-But our bath is blocked!" Usopp added "Guys! Calm down it looks like a wall from here do it means it hasn't noticed us yet we can still move around it!" Y/n shouted "Y/n is right we can go through the Left! Port! Hard to port!" Zoro shouted "But the rudder Broken!" Usopp yelled back 'Oh- I have an idea' Y/n thought as everyone was panicking Y/n let go of Nami and jumped in front of the ship between the ship and Laboon to be exact "Y/N What are you doing?!" Nami shouted as she thought this is it Y/n made the air carry her as she put an arm on the ship and an arm of Laboon which stopped the ship "There we go, did it stop?" Y/n shouted as Nami and the others were shocked on how Y/n was this strong "I-it stopped" Nami stuttered Y/n slowly let go of both the ship and Laboon and floated back on the deck "Now all we have to do is go left" Y/n said completely calm as Luffy and Usopp had star eyes "Y/N IS SO COOL!!" They both said at the same time as you just gave them a close eyed-smile which caused both of them to blush as well as Zoro, Sanji and Nami to blush too but the Going merry head got broken off from the pressure it was about to fall on Nami but Y/n caught it easily "MY SPECIAL SEAT" Luffy shouted "Hm? I think this could still be repaired if we do it right" Y/n said as she put the head down "Are you okay Nami?" Y/n asked as Nami blushed and nodded.

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now