Chapter 𝟸𝟻: 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧! 𝙊𝙧..?

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Hello my darlings, I know it's been..Uh well a long time and I know I said I was going to post after exams were over but my brain just kinda needed a shut down after school and life things so here I am, don't worry I'm not dead and I'm not planning to pack up and leave this story I still have lots and lots planned so without further ado here's Chapter 25!

  !!Disclaimer!!: My writing style might be slightly different (for the better) so don't get alarmed!

Sol floated back to Y/n sitting on her shoulder hiding from Zoro "That moss head is scary..." Sol whispered to Y/n as Y/n smiled kindly to the scared Sol "Huh? What is that bug Y/n?" Nami asked as a Sol grew an irk mark on her forehead and headed straight to Nami,

"WHO'RE YOU CALLING A BUG YOU-" Before she could continue Y/n glared at Sol still with a kind smile on her face to which caused Sol to get back on Y/n's shoulder in the speed of light.  

"Well, let me introduce you guys, this is Sol she's..well apparently Great Sage fairy" Y/n explained as Vivi stared at the creature, quite shocked there is such a thing as a fairy, "Woah a fairy? I didn't know they even existed this is such an amazing discovery!" Vivi blurted as she examined Sol.


"Fufufufu! I am, I really am special, you 'humans' should be bowing down since you are graced by my presence, I am way mor-" before Sol could finish Y/n just grabbed her and put her in her pocket "That's it, time out" Y/n said as Sol looked shocked.


"Ti-time out?! Bu-but I-*sniff*" Sol then suddenly cried, everyone was just surprised she was confident a second ago, "Well you should've stopped talking now stay there and think about your actions" Y/n ordered as Sol started to quiet down.

"Finally, now, them..." Y/n said facing the two giants one on the floor not moving and the other had just awoken, "Master..." Usopp whispered to the giant who we now know as Broggy "That leaves two foes left..." The giant said as Y/n noticed that Luffy, Karoo and more importantly Mrs. Golden week was gone.


"Awh man! She broke out of the seal I should've just knocked her out!" Y/n said scrambling with her hair as the rest of them blush from the cute sight of Y/n frustrated "Don't worry, Y/n, we'll catch them!" Vivi said touching Y/n's shoulder as Nami, Zoro and Usopp send her a jealous glare.

"Thanks, Vivi, I know I can rely on you with situations like this!" Y/n's says back to her cheerful smile as they all blush once more. 

Suddenly your ears sharpened as they heard a *Thump* sound 'Luffy must've taken care of Mr.3 by now...' Y/n thought as they notice her focusing "You okay, Y/n?" Nami asks as Sol comes out more mature face on now.

"Y/n has sharpened her senses to hear what's around the forest, did you know that Y/n's hearing can expand up to 303,381 miles away? But if she doesn't focus, she doesn't hear what others are saying" Sol explained "What did you say, Sol?" Y/n asked returning back to herself "See?" Sol pointed out.

"300 thousand miles?! That's insane!" Usopp yelled in awe with Y/n's hearing powers as the others were also impressed.

"Looks like Y/n's great over here!" -Sho

"What the hell is Sanji doing?" -Zane 

With Sanji...

Sanji wasn't aware the fact that all his friends have been through a hell fight so he was just making tea in the igloo he found earlier.

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