Chapter 𝟷𝟷: 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙮𝙚 𝘼𝙥𝙞𝙨! 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚!!!

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"Huge Drawings?" Y/n said as she looked up "Woah! Your right Y/n! That's a huge picture! What's it of?" Luffy asked "It looks like some sort of map...Oww..." Usopp replied as Y/n pat him on the back which caused him to blush a little. "But it's too worn out to make sense of. But what is this place anyway wasn't it supposed to be the dragon's nest?" Sanji asked "Dunno Well, Apis?" Luffy asked  "I don't know Grandpa Ryu says he doesn't know what this place is, either." Apis replied. "Man! He's always just a useless old guy!" Usopp replied as Y/n twisted her head to him like lighting with a surprised face 'He really said that in front of Ryu-san....' Y/n thought as she looked up back at the picture . "Hey, guys! Look at this The ceiling picture's fallen down!" Luffy shouted as Usopp and Apis argued. Y/n soon walked up to Nami "Hey Nami" Y/n asked "Hm? Y/n what's the matter?" Nami replied "I don't think this is Lost island..." Y/n added as Nami looked a little surprised "How did you know?" Luffy asked "Well look up there, that the dome building was right outside which is probably this island and those people are most likely to be Apis's ancestors are the ones that drew this picture to give whoever sees this a clue to point where is the actual Lost island." Y/n explained as Nami connected the dots and nodded "Woah, you could tell all that in a couple of minutes?" Luffy said "Your very smart Y/n" Nami added 'Well I kinda did figure it out before you did when I watched the anime so I guess I'm pretty smart' Y/n thought as she looked back at Nami "Thank you, dear" Y/n smiled and looked around more as for Nami she froze a little her face was a bit of pink-ish and red-ish color. Y/n stopped in her steps and turned her head 'I feel...a very dark aura from somewhere or more like someone....whatever' Little did she know the aura was coming from Zoro he was directing it towards Nami as he scoffed and turned away.

"We got the whole gang in love with her, I wonder is other people will too EEEEEEEKKKKK this is so exciting!!!" -𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙠𝙤-𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣

"Would you please shut up" -Zane

"Ugh whatever your just not cool enough like mwah~" -𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙠𝙤-𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣

*DEEEEEPPPPP Breath* "I wonder when I die from this misery...." -Zane

"Y'know I kinda wanna name this harem too...." -Sho

"YOU TOO?!" -Zane

"These people are most likely Apis's Ancestors and they are praying towards that island and it looks a lot like Warship island" Nami explained "But Nami Warship island doesn't look like it'd have a dragon's nest" Usopp replies "Are you saying Apis's ancestors just drew random drawings in this building?" Nami asked as Y/n dozed off for a bit.

"...." -Zane

"...." -Adam

"It's been 7 seconds nothings been smashed, thrashed or even crashed something definitely is wrong..." -Aurora

"I know right they must've done something so bad that they can't even talk" -Aaron

"Y'think?" -Sho

"Umm guys what happened?" -Marina

"We accidentally...."-Zane

"Sorta...." -Adam

"Broke Haruko's action figures...." -Zane and Adam


"Sorry new ringtone.." -Sho

"WHAT?!" -Marina, Aaron, Aurora

"You guys are dead meat" -Aurora

"Mhm even I the most person who loves smashing things wouldn't do that" -Aaron

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now