Chapter 𝟷𝟾: 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙂𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚?

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*Huff* *Huff* Sorry readers this is the last more and My brain will literally explode I've gotta sleep so forgive me this has a few more words as compensation for the last one! Anyway bye Ima sleep now.

"What do you want?" Y/n asked "Me? I only want your despair, Mrs. L/n"  the voice replied "Ain't happening" Y/n said again "It will soon..Don't you want the truth?" The voice said as no reaction from Y/n was given "About your friends? Family or maybe perhaps.....the fear of Samantha and your father?" The voice said as Y/n flinched at the last sentence "Heh- Welp my times up I'll see you next time...Y/n" the voice said as Y/n returned to reality

"I wonder if it's gonna snow or not.." Luffy wondered "There's not way it would." Zoro replied "Does too. You don't know since you slept through last time!" Luffy added "Actually Y/n did wake me up but I think I slept again" Zoro said again

Time skip

"Is that really okay?!" You heard Vivi through the door and today was your...birthday the day everything went wrong the day in which more half of the population of The L/n died including the royal family you were having flashbacks and it was giving massive headaches you came out eventually and was met by Vivi and Nami.

"Ah Y/n how are you?" Nami asked "Huh- me? Oh- just great.." Y/n stuttered which was VERY unusual "Are you okay Y/n-San?" Vivi asked "Yea, I'm fine" Y/n said as she dug her face deeper in her arms "You can talk to us y'know.." Nami said Y/n just smiled tiredly which made her even more cuter which caused both Vivi and Nami to blush "Just a headache that's all!" Y/n said as she felt a cold glass against her cheek she looked to her left to see Nami giving her a drink "Thank you" Y/n drank the drink peacefully.

Suddenly a HUGE dolphin appeared "Okay everyone let's go!" Luffy shouted Vivi was at awe at how fast everyone was with handling the ship especially Y/n at any place she felt like Y/n was in-control after they shook off the dolphin we started to see an island.

"Woah! It's big!" Y/n exclaimed "Yea it is!" Luffy replied as we finally came close to the island "So this is Little Garden!" Luffy smiled "What's 'little' about it?" Zoro asked "Maybe they mean the animals who live there are little?" Y/n asked "I guess..." Zoro agreed, While Usopp was freaking out Vivi explained what the woman (Robin) said.

"I hope there is a BBQ here!" Luffy hoped "As if there'd be one!" Sanji said as bird started screeching loudly Y/n and Nami covered their ears 'cutely' "How cute" Sanji swooned "You mean me?" Usopp winked 'cutely' "Obviously I meant Nami-san and Y/n-chan!" Sanji shouted as a bird slowly crept behind him Y/n, Nami and Usopp got out of the way "What's the matter?" Sanji asked as he slowly looked behind him "AH- WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU DAMN BIRD!" Sanji cursed as Y/n put a hand on his shoulder "Calm down Sanji it's just a bird plus we are in the Grandline a bunch of things are planning to eat us" Y/n said sweetly Sanji blushed because her hand on his shoulder "ARIGATOOO Y/N-CHWAAANNNNN" Sanji swooned

"A lizard...I wonder if it tastes good" Luffy wondered as an explosion sound came from the jungle, a tiger came out of nowhere and glaring at the Strawhats, suddenly it just fell and died "Woah it died! I wonder if all the tigers die, now because this looked like their leader of something" Y/n wondered "EHHH WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF THAT?!" Usopp asked as Nami and Usopp panicked even more.

"Adventure?" Y/n asked "Mhm! Wanna come to the Adventure with me Y/n?!" Luffy said ever so happily 'What's with this guy?' Y/n thought jokingly "Sure." Y/n agreed "Can I come along?" Vivi asked "Sure!!" Luffy and Y/n answered "Hey hey! It's okay for Luffy and Y/n but it's too dangerous for you!" Nami stated "Don't worry, I'll stay close to Y/n!" Vivi said ever so enthusiastically 'What's up with her too?" Y/n also jokingly thought again "I'll make lunch for Vivi and Y/n-chan!" Sanji said as he started cooking.

Time skip!

"Can I ride him too?" Y/n asked before Vivi could agree, Karoo already let Y/n, Y/n used to have a motorcycle so she knew the basics of riding so she put her arms around Vivi's waist, Vivi flushed red as Luffy was jealous but couldn't do anything about it. As Sanji wrapped the drink around karoo's neck he said, "Now you're all set. Three pirate lunches and a special drink for Karoo" Sanji stated "Okay!" Luffy replied "Arigato Sanji!" Y/n waved goodbye to the others as they waved goodbye too, Sanji was in an even better mood! But of course his and Zoro's rivalry will never come to an end....

"They need to get it together!" -Haruko-Chan

"You sure they're the ones who need help?" -Aaron

"Yea who else could possibly need help?" -Haruko-Chan

"....*Points fingers at Haruko-Chan.."


Luffy laughed as Y/n and Vivi ran with him well more like Karoo ran with him in the forest suddenly both Luffy and Karoo stopped in their tracks, "Huh? Why'd you stop?" Vivi asked "Here, look at this There's a shellfish that looks like a squid!" Luffy pulled it out and showed it to Y/n and Vivi "It looks a lot like the ammonite" Vivi replied "An annomite?" Luffy asked "It's an ammonoid fossil, especially one of a later type found chiefly in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, typically with intricately frilled suture lines." Y/n explained "Or to be simple a squid shellfish" Y/n added again. 'But isn't it extinct?' Y/n thought

"I was about to say that...." -Austin

Soon a loud stomp was heard we headed towards it, it was a dinosaur! "Oh look a dinosaur" Y/n said unamused as Vivi explained that this an island stuck In the dinosaur century before Vivi could continue Luffy wrapped one of his arms around Y/n's waist and the other on the dragon's neck "Oh cheesecakes- " Y/n cursed before being shot up with Luffy to the dinosaur "Why'd you drag me into this?" Y/n asked Luffy "Well because I like you of course!" Luffy said out loud of course any normal human would obviously know that Luffy likes Y/n in a romantic way but Adrien agreste has already contaminated her so....'Oh- I must be a very good friend to him then, what a great friend!' Y/n thought as she just smiled at him.

"NOOOOOOOOO" -Haruko-Chan

"YEEEESSSSSS" -Adrien Agreste

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There are 2 crazy people in my house....." -Marina

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now