Chapter 𝟼: 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙡 𝘿𝙤𝙬𝙣

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After a minute I realized I haven't asked my mother a very important question that I forgot to ask..."Umm why  are you here mom?" I asked with my hand scratching the back of my neck my mother sweat dropped at my very late question "I am here to tell you your past!" My mother answered "But you already did?" I said confused "That was your past back at earth I meant your past in One Piece!" My mother replied

I widen my eyes at the fact that I had a past in One piece? "I know what your thinking no you didn't have a past here so you'll turn into child again but in this world!" My mother replied to my thought "YOUR TELLING ME THAT I HAVE TO SPEND YEARS TO RELIVE MY PAST?!" I shouted as I was about to go into a rage because if I spent more years on my past I'll completely lose the chance to see the Going Merry! "Wait wait you're not spending years your only going to spend 12 hours, the hours will be spread evenly and you'll go in a couple of minutes do you wanna do something before you go?" My mother said as I sighed in relief "Oh yea could you teleport me to Alabasta I just wanna do something real quick "Sure!" My mother said as she was about to snap her fingers "Wait you can do that?!" I said looking shocked "Oh yea, I'm the assistant of my little cousin Adam I kind only have the powers to teleport and grant wishes! Anyway time is running out I'll send there you have 5 minutes before you teleport to your 'Past'." She said to before as she snapped her fingers

3rd Person POV:

Y/n teleported to Loguetown to find Crocodile and thank him she found him worriedly running around, Y/n didn't know why he was running around like that ' it's as if he is trying to find something' Y/n thought as She followed him, finally when he came to a stop Y/n asked "Ummm..Crocodile what are you doing?" As soon as he heard Y/n's voice, he hugged Y/n and of course Y/n smiled and hugged back because she thought he just wanted a friendly hug but was completely oblivious to the fact that he was blushing like a tomato when he realized what he did. He quickly pulled away from the hug still blushing and shouted "Where were you?!"

Y/n quickly replied "Oh, I was on a small trip and I wanted to say thank for taking care of me!" She said as Y/n bowed a perfect 90° angle he was a little shocked but he just looked away and said "Whatever" "Ah- I remember what I wanted to tell you I'll be leaving Loguetown for a while ." Y/n said calmly as Crocodile looked at her with a little disappointment in his eyes "W-where are you going anyway?" He asked "Hehehe! That's for me to know and for you to find out!" Y/n chuckled as she winked at him and did a peace sign 'I've always say that cool line!' Y/n said in her head before she waved goodbye to him and left to find a place to teleport. He was as stiff as a statue before he even more redder than a tomato as he remembered that you winked at him 'She was warm' Crocodile thought as he recalled the hug he gave earlier, he smirked and left to go to Alabasta.

"Awww~ Crocodile is actually caring for someone, how adorable!!" -🅗🅐🅚🅤-🅒🅗🅐🅝

I found a small abandoned building that I could hide in so I can teleport. I pulled out my hand and summoned a small clock and and I had 2 minutes before I go to my 'Past' so I made the clock disappear and then summoned my crystal ball to see where Luffy's crew is "Crystal ball where are the Straw-hats?" I said as a picture appeared in the crystal ball showing that Luffy has just gotten his first bounty I giggled at the sight of them cheering I realized the two minutes were up since I was starting to disappear, I closed my eyes.

After a couple of seconds I re-opened my eyes to see an island that was completely burning down I looked at the island with horror and I looked down at my small body and realized that I am a small child probably around the 4 years old I heard from a distance, "Y/N-SAMA PLEASE RUN AWAY FROM HERE THE NAVY IS AFTER YOU!!" I looked behind me and I see a soldier then I looked down at myself I was in a princess gown and I had a crown!

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now