Chapter 𝟷𝟽: 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨?!

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"WHATEVER IT TAKE- Oh god- You scared me half to death I was singing for goodness sake! I didn't think you'd finish the story that fast...anyway once again after 5 minutes I will send the next story in I'll see ya in the next one! Sorry this one's a short one!!" 🏃🏻‍♀️

As they looked at each other peacefully Luffy looked up at Igaram "There he goes! He was a funny old guy, to the very end!" Luffy said as Vivi smiled "Mhm! He is very admirable" Y/n added which made Vivi smile more "He really is reliable" Vivi answered both of us as Suddenly a massive nuclear explosion hit the ship completely obliterating it.

"Well crap! He was good while he lasted! Ahem- I mean" -Haruko-Chan

'Igaram...I actually feel bad even though you turned out to be alive in the end but, Y'know.' Y/n thought as she saw the boat sink and Luffy pick up his hat and put it on his head "He was a great person!" Luffy shouted then stormed off "Nami! What's the log say?!" Zoro asked "We're okay! It's stored up!" Nami shouted back "Bring her with us! We're setting sail!" Zoro shouted "Vivi! Vivi!" Nami shouted to try to wake her up from the shock as she saw her bite her lip till blood was coming out of it as Nami assured her Y/n hugged Vivi which caused her to blush "It's okay Vivi, You can count on me! I am STRONGER than that Damn Crocodile!" Y/n said to her as Vivi nodded and followed her to the ship.

"Oi! I brought them!" Luffy yelled holding Usopp by the nose in one hand and sanji by the leg on the other "Get on! We're ready to leave anytime!" Zoro shouted "Huh? These guys are still sleeping!" 'There is only ONE thing that can wake them! I hate it but it's the only way' Zoro thought as he breathed in "SOMEONE'S GONNA MARRY Y/N!!" he then shouted out that immediately woke both Sanji and Usopp up "WHAT WHO WHERE-" Usopp asked "WHO'S MARRYING Y/N?!" Sanji asked "WHAT WHO IS IT?!" Luffy shouted "You idiot I just said that to wake that to wake them up!" Zoro said "Oh don't scare me like that!" Luffy laughed,

Y/n came from nowhere "Wait a minute who is marrying who I didn't hear it right" Y/n asked as Zoro blushed "What?! No one! Nobody is marrying anybody! Well expect me and you hopefully in the future" Zoro shouted the first part whispering the second with Zoro's luck Y/n didn't hear anything because she was too focused with that same random seagull came back 'What's with that seagull?' Y/n noticed

As Zoro headed the commotion between Nami and Vivi he decided to get some info regarding it "Hey! What's the problem?!" "She says her duck is missing He won't come when we whistle for him!" Nami shouted back "Is this him ?" Y/n pulled out Vivi's duck as it quacked "You're there?!" Vivi shouted at Karoo (The duck) "He kept following me for some reason.." Y/n just said "There's a tributary just up the river, We can use it to get out to sea a little faster!" Vivi shouted "Alright! Let's go!!" Luffy shouted "Oi" Zoro said "Mr.bushido..." Vivi faded out "Just how many people are we gonna be chasing down?" Zoro asked "I don't know.. but there are about 2000 people in Baroque Works and I've heard there are several town like bases like this one nearby." Vivi replied.

"They really might send out 1000 people?" Nami whispered "H-huh Hey! The ships leaving!" Usopp yelled "Finally awake, I see." Nami replied annoyed as Sanji and Usopp complained about leaving and wanting to stay one more night

Suddenly..."We managed to get rid of them didn't we?" A mysterious woman said "That's for sure!" Nami replied completely oblivious to the person she just replied to as she looked behind her she found a random just woman sitting there 'Ah- finally! Robin is here!' Y/n said to herself in her head as everyone was still surprised and about to question her 'Yea....this is gonna way too long, author could you skip this?' Y/n asked Haruko-Chan

"I thought you'd never ask." -Haruko-Chan

As Robin scouted the ship she almost screamed when she saw Y/n "What?! The Go-goddess of destruction?!" Robin shouted surprised as everyone was confused because they forgot Y/n's actual 'Bounty name' "What, who is that?" Luffy asked "Oh hello I didn't think anyone would recognize me that fast!" Y/n chirped

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now