Chapter 𝟿: 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙

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"I feel like something bad is about to happen..." Y/n says to Nami "You have feeling too?" Nami asked Y/n as Y/n nodded. "Hey! I see a ship coming!" Usopp shouts from the top of the mast. "Huh?" Nami said while looking at Usopp confused "Ugh! Oh man...! They're Navy ships!" Usopp shouts "Navy?!" Nami shouts back as Y/n looked at the both of them 'Oh yea! I remember this part.' Y/n thought as Nami and Usopp start panicking "What's a fleet doing here?!" Nami shouts "Probably to take Apis...." Y/n replies as Nami nods. "What? What is going on?" Luffy asks as Apis looks alarmed at the Navy ships. "Are they coming for my head?!" Luffy asks with excitement "No! Didn't you listen to what Y/n said earlier they are probably here for Apis." Nami replies as Apis backs out with a sudden face.

"They're Branch 88! The ones I escaped from!" Apis says while shaking a bit. "Don't worry Apis, we'll protect you!" Y/n says to Apis with a cute smile that makes everyone blush, Apis looks up at Y/n with a small smile as she nods slowly, Apis hides behind Y/n a bit so they don't see her but that completely failed.

Navy POV:

"Hey! I see the girl behind someone!" The navy officer says as he didn't really see who she was hiding behind. "Who is she hiding behind maybe they're the ones who kidnapped her" The other navy officer beside him said, The navy looks in his telescope again after a minute he went silent. "What happe-" Before the other Navy officer could finish he saw that his co-worker has heart eyes popping out of their sockets he decides to take a look too but after a moment he also had the same expression. The captains and other staff decided to ignore them since they didn't know why they had expressions like that and start preparing to attack the ship.

"THEY ARE FIRING AT US?!" Usopp yelled as one of the cannon balls were about to crash into the ship Y/n jumped high into the air and back flipped and kicked it away easily "Woah!! That's a cool move Y/n!" Luffy said as his eyes were sparkling "Wow! Y/n-san is so cool!!" Yelled Apis as Nami nodded 'Heck, I did not know how could do that, I guess I am pretty cool' Y/n told herself as the navy started shouting through the microphone, "STOP THE SHIP AND GIVE UP THE GIRL, THE CANNONS WERE WARNINGS" "Theres no way we would stop" Usopp yelled while clinging to the ship "What are we gonna do Luffy? If you wanna take em' on I'm with you." Zoro asked "Yea why don't we" Luffy replied "Ahh W-wait a sec" Usopp interrupted "I don't have a problem with that" Y/n said "Why are you guys always like this?! What the heck are you gonna do against that fleet?!" Usopp yelled

Sanji instructed Apis to go to the cabin downstairs "We're not saying you gotta come with us, just help us with the cannons" Zoro said "What? So I'm staying on this ship okay! Leave it to me" Usopp said as Y/n refrained herself from laughing at Usopp's reply "The wind is...strong really strong it's coming from that way" Apis pointed as Nami ordered Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Luffy to ride the gust of wind "I guess I'll be up here with Nami." Y/n said as she stood next to Nami as the others ran across the ship listening to Nami's orders.

"No matter how strong we or Y/n is we are going to lose" Nami said 'Yea I'm pretty sure if I just snap my fingers the navy ships could just disappear but okay I'll go with the plot.'  Y/n thought A gust of wind started blowing, Y/n was not affected at all by the wind in fact she enjoyed it. "Woah this is fast this is good wind" Luffy said holding on to his hat. "Look at that Luffy! The navy is falling behind." Usopp said happily "Woah!" Luffy replied "Ha you guys are slow turtles." Usopp laughed "They really had to jinx us didn't they..." Y/n sighed as Nami nodded.

As everyone congratulated themselves Y/n and Zoro kept quiet Luffy noticed "Hm? Y/n is there something wrong?" Luffy asked concerned, everyone directed they're attention to Y/n "Yea, I think I heard one of the Navy officers were talking about turning because we are heading to a dangerous area." Y/n replied while looking down thinking hard "Don't worry Y/n I am sure it's fine and I'll protect you if anything goes wrong!" Luffy said grinning with a tint of pink on his cheeks and putting a hand on Y/n shoulder Y/n nodded and smiled a bit.

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