Chapter 𝟸𝟷: 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚?!

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We all headed to the knocked out giant "Is the old guy going okay?" Luffy asked "He's probably okay, this is pretty good otherwise he wouldn't have calmed down" Vivi replied "I'm angry!" Luffy randomly said "What?" Vivi asked "Like the old guy said this alcohol explosion isn't the act of the other giant" Luffy stated "Yea, our friends wouldn't do something as pity as this, there is someone definitely here other than us and the two giants." Y/n stated as Luffy nodded angrily "Then who else is here?...." Vivi asked, suddenly a volcano erupted.

"Another duel?" Y/n asked as Dorry got up again "Hey! Wait, old guy!" Luffy shouted "You can't go, Dorry-san! You need to stay still" Vivi stated "He's not gonna listen what you tell him, his pride is way more important than some wounds." Y/n just replied "I will fight to uphold the name of Elbaf!" Dorry shouted as he struggled to stand up but eventually he got up and picked up a giant rock "Oh no- Don't tell he's gonna-." Y/n sweat dropped "Y/n-san , Luffy-san!!" Vivi screamed as the giant dropped the rock on both Y/n and Luffy which prevented them from going anywhere.

"HEY! REMOVE THIS ROCK!! OLD GUY!!" Luffy shouted as Y/n just sighed "Y/n are you okay?!" Luffy asked because he was made of rubber obviously it wasn't gonna effect him but Y/n wasn't really rubber. "I'm fine, Just a LITTLE STUCK THAT'S ALL!" Y/n shouted annoyed so the giant could hear "Running away from a battle you've started is the same as running away from the title 'Warrior' and If I am no longer a warrior I am no longer me, sorry that I suspected you this decision was made by Elbaf, the god of War, I didn't have his divine protection, That's all." Dorry said as he was walking away.

"HEY, WAIT A SECOND GODS, GODDESSES, DIVINE PROTECTION AND WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" Y/n shouted "IF A GOD TOLD YOU TO DIE, WOULD YOU?! THIS DUEL HAS BEEN INTERFERED WITH!" Luffy said "A DUEL THATS BEEN INTERFERED WITH- Luffy started "-ISN'T A DUEL ANYMORE" Y/n continued "Be have only lived a mere 10-20 years.. you have no right to understand the wise words of Elbaf" Dorry said as he was leaving.

Luffy was shouting a struggling to get the giant rock off of him "Okay, we have one more move it might work it might not but might as well try" Y/n stated as Luffy and Vivi were confused on what she was gonna do Y/n put her hands together and it formed a mini orb "Go.." Y/n whispered as the orb headed to Dorry and once it touched him he suddenly came to a stop "What happened-" Vivi asked "A little something to delay him probably won't stop him for long though..." Y/n said 'It's a paralysis orb will only hold him for two minut-' Y/n thought as Dorry started to move again "OIIIII! THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STOP FOR ATLEAST TWO MINUTES!" Y/n wined as she stomped her hand into the ground which created the whole ground to shake. Luffy and Vivi looked at her and sweat dropped 'Scary Strong....." They both thought,

Y/n turned around and pushed the rock with her legs the rock started budging "EH?!" Vivi and Luffy shouted finally both Y/n and Luffy were free from the stupid rock. "Finally! Good jo- Y/N!!" Luffy shouted as Y/n fell to the ground with her hands covering her ears in pain Vivi came to Y/n aid quickly "Y/n what's wrong?!" Vivi asked as Luffy was looking around to see if anyone was behind this. "My body is....too....tired.." Y/n said as she fainted down to the ground.

"Y/N!!!" Both of them shouted as Vivi checked Y/n "Her heart is barely beating...her breathing is out of control what could have possibly caused this, at this rate she co-could di-?!" Vivi was about to continue as Luffy carried Y/n (Bridal Style) "Y/n is not gonna die, not on my watch! We're gonna find who is up to this and we are gonna save Y/n!" Luffy stated as determined as ever as Vivi nodded with a lot of hope in her eyes 'Don't die, Y/n' Both of them thought

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" -Haruko-Chan

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" -Everyone except Zane

"Why are you all doing that stupid face" -Zane

Suddenly Usopp came in shouting "NAMI GOT KILLED BY A. DINOSAUR AND- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Y/N?! IS SHE DEAD?! NOOOOOOOO-" Usopp screamed "NAMI DEAD?!" Luffy shouted "Usopp! Calm down for three seconds! Y/n is not dead..." Vivi replied "Oh thank goodness.." Usopp stated "Well at least not yet..." Vivi added "AHHHHHHHH I LET TWO OF MY CREWMATES DIEEE!" Usopp shouted again.

After Vivi explained that Baroque works might be on the island and Nami might actually be alive..

"AHHHHHH BAROQUE WORKS IS ON THE ISLAND! Wait! Why is Y/n dying and why didn't Barque works target me?!" Usopp asked "We don't know why Y/n is like this, but you were probably not on their assassination list so they didn't target you." Vivi replied as blood shattered a couple of miles away from them which only means one thing....the giants finally finished their Luffy just lost it "WHO WAS IT?! SHOW YOURSELF!" Luffy's shouted as his grip on Y/n tightened "I'll go find'em and beat them up!" Usopp shouted as suddenly...

"No need!" Mr.5 said as they threw Karoo infront of them "You can have him we don't him anymore!" They yelled "Karoo!" Vivi shouted as she knelt down infront of Karoo "Why did you do this Karoo had nothing to do with this!!" Vivi shouted "You're right the bird had nothing to do with this, The only thing we considered dangerous was that 'Goddess'" Mr.5 pointed at Y/n "we were planning on luring you the bird but it was especially stubborn, then we saw that Mr.3 already took out the goddess out of the picture" they explained as all three of them (Luffy, Vivi and Usopp) grew even angrier "M-mr.3 did this?! How?! He wasn't even close to Y/n-san!" Vivi asked "Heh, he didn't have to come close all he used was this-" they said as they pulled out a micro-phone.

"This micro-phone is a special one, when you speak into it the people who have the goddess's certain blood type will listen to it all we had to say was 'Die' " they smiled with evil written all over their faces everyone was shocked "B-but she isn't dead yet!" Vivi stated "Oh she isn't?" They said as Vivi covered her mouth 'Crap-' all three of them (Luffy, Vivi and Usopp) said in their head "She must have more willpower than we thought..well no matter we will speak into it again" Mr.5 said as he put the microphone close to his mouth "Take this! Special Attack: Exploding Star!" Usopp shouted as he sling-shot an exploding ball "Awh man! You broke it! Nice explosion ball hahhahahah!!" Mrs. Valentine laughed

"Well since you destroyed the speaker you must pay! Nose Fancy Cannon!" Mr.5 shouted as he shot an explosion at Usopp "Usopp!!" Luffy shouted as they held Vivi hostage "We only need to hold you and that Y/n hostage we never intended to kill her. We just wanted to lure you! And it worked!" Mr.5 laughed as Luffy looked at him very angry.

Before Luffy could do anything he got exploded too but he managed to throw Y/n out of the way. But for his bad luck a giant rock fell upon him so he couldn't move.

"Awh, this is way too sad for meee!" -Haruko-Chan


"'yOu lITaRaLlY wRoTe tHiS' yes I know that but I can be sad with my creations so Shoo!" Haruko-Chan replied

"Well let's just take you and thank you Straw-hat for the goddess we will take good care of her we already caught your swordman friend and the other girl" Mr.5 Laughed as he picked up Y/n "You caught Zoro? Well you guys are gonna get cut down!" Luffy grunted "Oh?" Mr.5 asked "And once Y/n wakes up she'll kick your guys's butts!" Luffy continued "

"Hah! You still talk big even after taking one of my bombs to the face?" Mr.5 asked "You can't hurt me with that! I'm gonna kick your guy's asses" Luffy smiled as he spit on Mr.5's shoes. He gave Y/n to Mrs.Valentine then kicked Luffy in the face with multiple explosions repeatedly "Luffy!" Vivi shouted "Die!" Mr.5 shouted as Luffy stomped his hand on the ground "Y/n-san! Please wake up!" Vivi shouted "Let's go Mrs. Valentine" Mr.5 stated as Mrs.Valentine carefully carried Y/n but roughly pulled Vivi,

"Playin' favorites, aye?" -Aaron

"Lookin' so" -Sho

"Stop talking like a trashy 1800's cop show" -Zane

"Sorry this was a short one I had literally no motivation to continue but this is probably one of the first times I posted on schedule so I will give myself a pat on a back anyway until next time bye my darlings!"

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now