Chapter 𝟷𝟻: 𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨?!

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'Who the hell was that' Y/n thought as she rubbed her eyes no longer in pain 'Was it a dream? What does he mean by in the future I know that memory is true since I do remember a little bit of it now but he's voice is so famil-' Y/n thought as she got interrupted by the sound of Zoro telling the crew not to be lazy despite him sleeping the whole trip 'Well, whatever who that was he wasn't gonna come in the way of my dreams!' Y/n thought as she got out on the deck.

"Huh? Oh Y/n are you feeling a little bit better?" Nami asked "Yea it was just a small.....headache.." She saw glooming she was about to ask before Luffy interrupted "Woah! Look!" Luffy pointed ahead as tons of people greeted us all nicely to Whisky Peak 'Their acting is so good I couldn't tell at first, in the end they're bounty hunters who don't even care for us how sad....' Y/n thought, as everyone on the ship was surprised.

Time Skip!

Ummm...Well we sorta just partied all night! It was super fun! The people were nice Or that's what I hoped But obviously I knew they were all bounty hunters *Sigh* "You okay Y/n?" Zoro asked not quite drunk yet "O-oh Yea! I'm Just worried.." Y/n stuttered "Worried?" He asked as he took another sip from his cup "Well these people are y'know a little 'too nice' to pirates...It's probably just my imagination!" Y/n said 'I want to tell him but it'll ruin the plot' Y/n thought.

"Don't worry, Y/n!..if anything were to happen I would protect you at any cost.." Zoro said as he blushed because he realized what he just said "Awh! Thank you Zoro!" Y/n said 'He must think of as a very good friend!' Y/n innocently thought as she smiled at him which caused him to blush even more before he passed out 'These people want me to pass out...I'll pretend I did then..' Y/n thought as she pretended to be passed out even if she drank the alcohol she's immune to it's affects.

Time Skip (Y/n accidentally slept when she pretended to be passed out by the time she woke up Zoro beat them all up)

"Awh, man I missed the fight *sigh* it would've ended the same anyway you headed out to find a child bumping into you "Huh?" You looked at the little boy he looked up at you and blushed a little before a Church Sister of some sort came to him "Please lord have mercy on us! Please!" The sister chanted as I actually felt bad so I decided to help but before I could even help them up the Sister took out her knife and was about to plunge it into me, before she took a second to look at me, she looked COMPLETELY flustered, her face was red "I-I-I-" The sister stuttered as I pin her and the child down "Y'know you shouldn't these kind of stuff with nice people like me." Y/n knocked them out as she heard someone chant "SUPERHUMAN-" 'Oh I guess Zoro isn't done I guess I can help out" Y/n said

Y/n teleported right before the lady was about to hit Zoro Y/n blocked the attack by holding the lady's fist "W-What?!" The woman yelled "No man has ever best my strength!!" The woman said without realizing that Y/n was a woman because she hadn't looked at her yet. "I'm no man m'lady" Y/n smiled cheekily which caused both Miss Monday and Zoro to blush Y/n quickly knocked her out.

"You okay, Zoro?" Y/n asked lending out a hand he blushed and accepted your help and got up "I thought you drank alcohol too? How are you up?" Zoro asked, "Alcohol has no effect of me" Y/n explained simply "I like a heavy-drinker kind of woman..." Zoro whispered as he smirked "What was that?" Y/n asked "What? N-nothing!" Zoro quickly replied.

As Y/n turned to the man down on the ground "Let's get back to beating Baroque Works?" Y/n said smirking which caused Zoro to blush a dark red. Zoro stepped out into the light so people thought he beat up Miss. Monday (Muscle Woman) "He must be the Captain because he beat up Miss.Monday!" A guy from below said "Woah, woah, woah She's the one who beat her not me" Zoro said "She?" The ones below asked "He means me!" Y/n said 'Thank Zoro for at least having the consideration to get me some credit! Unlike some people back in earth' Y/n thought as she completely missed the heart eyed to blushing mess men down there, Zoro was jealous but he was gonna beat'em up anyway.

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now