Chapter 10: 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 ?

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"Alrighty then I think it's time to go to sleep we gotta have energy if you wanna take Ryu-san to his island." Y/n said as everyone nodded after everyone left Y/n looked back at Ryu "Don't worry Ryu-san you'll be reborn soon!" Y/n said as she smiled the dragon had a surprised look on his face but it soon turned into a smile "Hey!! Y/n are you coming?" Luffy shouted which then Y/n turned her head ran back to the group.

Time skip in the morning

Y/n, Nami and Luffy went in the room Bokuden and the others were in last night. Nami heard that the Bokuden was mumbling about the thousandth king or something like that in his sleep. "Geez the story isn't over yet?" Nami said annoyed as Y/n just giggled at Nami's comment which caused Nami to blush. Everyone soon woke up Luffy woke up Usopp which startled Him "Ugh!!" Usopp screamed surprised "Usopp are you okay you look startled" Y/n asked with a soft voice so it doesn't surprise him more. "E-eh? N-no I am fine I am a b-brave warrior of the s-sea after all !" Usopp replied while blushing "What? Is it already morning?" Zoro asked "Mhm! Did you sleep well Zoro?" Y/n asked with a bright smile which caused Zoro to blush "Y-Yea thanks..." Zoro replied looking away 'I can't believe you slept so fast Bokuden-san barely even started the story and you were already past out well that's Zoro for ya' Y/n thought to herself as Sanji started to wake up "I dozed off since the old man's story was so long" Sanji said as he stretched "Sorry Sanji we left because the story was a bit long we kinda left you behind to hear the whole story sorry again." Y/n said scratching the back of her neck Sanji looked a little surprised to see someone apologizing to him and he actually blushed but soon hearts came out of his eye sockets "No worries at all Y/n-chwaaaan!!" Sanji replied "You don't need to apologize to
him, Y/n" Zoro added as Sanji grew an irk mark on his forehead "OI MOSS HEAD DON'T GET JELOUS JUST BECAUSE Y/N-CHAN DIDN'T APOLOGIES TO YOU!" Sanji yelled as Zoro also grew an irk mark too "I am not jealous why would I be, your not that great, ero cook." Zoro replied which caused the two to argue 'I wonder what they're fighting about?' Y/n thought.

Soon all that stopped after a villager came in shouting where is Apis "What's the matter?" Nami asked as the villager told her that the Navy infiltrated the port. "It can't be Just capture Apis...?" Nami asked "Most likely, the Navy doesn't give up that quickly" Y/n replied as Nami nodded "Why are they after a girl like that?" Usopp asked "Hey everyone, come with me" Nami shouted everyone kept asking questions but Nami just waved them off "Hey when Bokuden wakes up tell him that we'll protect Apis." Nami ordered the villager as he nodded. We soon went to Ryu-san as expected everyone was surprised Nami explained what Ryu was looking for and who he is "I-is he really harmless?" Usopp asked "Kinda" Y/n replied "What do you mean by 'Kinda'?" Usopp asked "He almost ate Luffy yesterday" Y/n replied calmly which shocked Usopp as Ryu licked him Apis also explained that he can be senile and for him to get away if Ryu sees him as food which made a Usopp even more scared but Ryu had already bit him "It's too late" Usopp said crying "It doesn't hurt, does it?" Luffy laughed Y/n just sighed 'Doesn't he realize not everybody has Gumu Gumu-no fruit?' Y/n thought to herself.

Time skip after Nami, Y/n, Apis and Luffy convinced the crew to rescue Ryu

"Gumu Gumu-no Gatling!" Luffy shouted as he cut all the trees with Sanji and Zoro's help. 'Close but not close enough to the amount of trees I cut in under 2 seconds back in Line island..... Rip trees....actually what's up with trees in this Anime?' Y/n asked herself. After we built the raft for Ryu, Zoro suggested a raid for the Navy but Nami thought of a better solution since we had Ryu on our hands....At first Apis thought that Usopp was cool but in under a couple of seconds she was sadly mistaken.

After explaining the plan

"I guess I'll rest here for a while" Y/n said as she sat down with her back against the cave.

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