Chapter 𝟷𝟿: 𝙀𝙡𝙗𝙖𝙛? 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙂𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨?!

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"DON'T JUMP WITH Y/N! SHE'S MORE IMPORTANT!" Vivi shouted as Karoo nodded roughly in agreement but unfortunately, Y/n was too focused on the heavy stomping noise from the giant in a distance, then to hear what anyone was saying 'Why are people afraid of giants they're just like us but a 'little' bigger' Y/n thought.

"Yea...A 'little' bigger....." -Aaron

"Let's see what's Nami and Usopp's up too!" -Haruko-Chan

"When did you get so enthusiastic?" -Zane

"Since now, now shut up Zane" -Haruko-Chan

"Whatever" -Zane

"Huh..y'know the readers never saw what we actually look like...." -Aurora

"Yea..." -Sho

"Don't worry I'll reveal you guys at a certain chapter the readers will have to wait till then" -Haruko-Chan

With Nami and Usopp:

"I wish Y/n was here..." Nami said crying from the large giant in front of them "Me too..." Usopp replied crying aswell even though the giant was friendly and was offering them his meat that he managed to hunt.

"Uhhhh....Let's go back to Y/n...." -Aurora

Back with Y/n, Luffy and Vivi!

"Whoa! What a great view!" Luffy shouted as he looked around on the dinosaur's neck. "Yea, it's probably because we are almost 50 feet in the air." Y/n simply replied looking around too.

"Holy mother of fiddlesticks! Dinosaur's have 50 feet necks?" -Aaron

"The dinosaurs' necks reached up to 50 feet (15 meters) in length, six times longer than that of the current world-record holder, the giraffe, and at least five times longer than those of any other animal that has lived on land." -Austin

"Thanks for the Paleontology lesson, Austin" -Zane

"You're Welcome, Being with lesser intelligence" -Austin

"That was sarcasm..." -Zane

"Sarcasm is a waste of breath and time, you are a useless god who is, may I dear say...a party popper and no one likes you." -Austin

"Yea, I know. that's why I do it, I am so free all day and want to see people suffer and crumble at my feet like the evil god I am." -Zane

"Sarcasm?" -Austin

"Oh! You've cracked the case, Sherlock" -Zane

"I wanna have lunch here!" Luffy stated not noticing the giant bird coming towards him 'Yea, if you keep standin' there the bird will join us too...' Y/n thought, the bird noticed another creature fortunately enough to for Luffy it went for it instead, Y/n sighed as she looked to the right "Woah! Luffy! Look there are volcanos!" Y/n shouted "Hm? Oh yea! You're right, there really volcanoes here" Luffy replied to Y/n completely ignoring Vivi shouting for both of them to come down- ahem- more like for  Y/n to come down. "And there's a mountain with huge holes in it as well!" Luffy described as Vivi shouted again,

"FOR THE LAST TIME GET DOWN BOTH OF YOU!! HECK! LUFFY, YOU CAN STAY THERE JUST BRING Y/N DOWN SAFELY! Y/N-SAN PLEASE COME DOWN, EVEN IF IT'S WELL-TRAINED IT'S STILL A DINOSAUR" Okay, first off Y/n staying with me and second, this guys no trouble!" Luffy shouted back, Y/n was using her super hearing on the giant a couple feet away, aka the giant that's with Usopp and Nami 'Are they trying to play dead? Because, it's goin' horrible' Y/n thought,

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