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Let's go!

"Why does Laboon hit himself on the head? Why does he howl out the Reverse mountain?" Crocus said 'This is so dramatic it's amazing' Y/n thought in awe "I'll tell you....Laboon's Story..." Crocus continued

Time Skip after he explain the story-

"Oh don't play guilty your just lazy so you skipped the whole thing" -Aurora

"Shhhhhh don't expose me I thought you were my friend!!"

"🤨🙄" -Aurora

"So Laboon has been waiting for 50 years?!" Usopp asked "He sure is persistent...." Y/n said "Tell me about it" Usopp replied, "Is that why Laboon keeps hitting himself on the head and howling like that?" Nami asked surprised "Yea" Crocus replied.

The Strawhats and Crocus soon set sail into the Canal to see further into Laboon.

"This is an amazing Canal I'm surprised that he still alive having a hole like this in his body" Zoro admired "Is that also a part of the playful mind?" Sanji asked referring to the island boat thingy that is carrying Crocus as he reads a newspaper (literally) unfazed "Doctor's playful mind" Crocus corrected "Doctor?" Sanji asked again "Oh yea so you are a doctor I suspected that from the first" Y/n said "Y/n-Chwan is so smart~!" Sanji swooned "How did you figure out that he was doctor?" Usopp asked Y/n "Hm? Well he was in Laboon's tummy so he couldn't just be just chilling there for no reason. He could've killed Laboon years ago but he didn't instead he protected it from a cannon and he looked like he knew Laboon we'll, so most probably he is a doctor plus he gives off doctor vibes" Y/n explained.

"Doctor Vibes? Your quick thinker Y/n" Usopp replied "Thanks Usopp!" Y/n smiled at him which caused him to blush and look away "Well I also used to be a ship's doctor a few years ago" Crocus added 'Rogers ship, huh? Must've been fun' Y/n thought "Really? Then become our ship's doctor" Luffy suggested 'No way he's gonna agree, speaking of that I can't wait to meet chopper he must be super adorable in here than outside watching the anime' Y/n said to herself.

"No" Crocus replied bluntly "Why?" Luffy asked "Because I have no energy to do crazy stunts you youngins do." Crocus replied "A doctor huh? That's why the inside of the whale's body is like this..." Sanji said. "Then these are from the treatment" Nami added "So basically Crocus-San is calming Laboon from hitting his head..." Y/n said "That's right, When the whale is this big it's impossible to treat from the outside, I'm gonna open the doors." Crocus replied as he pulled a wheel lever that opened the door which led us outside.

"There it is!!! the real sky!!!" Luffy screamed 'Was it really that bad in there?' Y/n sweat dropped as Vivi and Mr.9 awoke up "But 50 years Those pirates are sure making him wait a long time..." Usopp said "Usopp, this is the Grand line they are most likely dead.....I wonder if their blood stained the ocean...." Y/n dozed off "EH-" Usopp yelled.

"Y/n-Chan is right No matter how long he waits they won't come back" Sanji replied as Usopp cried a little and told us it was touching story. "Isn't that right pops?" Usopp asked "Yeah...but reality is cruel" Crocus replied while adjusting his glasses "I comforted it using reliable information they ran from the Grandline" Crocus added  "Can't be....Don't tell me.....they left without him?!" Usopp yelled 'If only you knew what actually happened' Y/n thought to herself.

"Ran away from the Grandline..." Nami said "Well the Grandline is hectic..." Y/n replied "Even if they're alive they wont' come back Seasons, Weather, Wind direction They are all random, Common sense is useless in the Grandline The terror of the Grandline takes over the weak minds in an instant." Crocus explained "So having weak minds, they ran away from the sea" Sanji added "That isn't the problem is it?" Y/n said getting everyone's attention "You have tried to, You tried to tell Laboon they won't back but...he won't believe it will he?" Y/n explained Crocus nodded sadly "If he keeps hitting the rock he will die.." Y/n added as Crocus explained what Laboon is doing.

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now