Chapter 𝟸𝟸: 𝙔/𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙪𝙥?!?!?!

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"Hey Haruko..." -Sho

"Yea....?" -Haku-Chan

"Didn't you promise your readers that you'll give'em a part after the day you announced it?" -Sho

"Well......." -Haku-Chan

Flashback in Haku-Chan's real life self

*The day before the 'supposed to post day'*

"Hmm I wonder what grades I got I hope I passed at least.." -Me in real life ʘ‿ʘ

*Gets bad grades (but still passed and got a an excellent in my grade point average btw here's my school grade system at least that's how I think they work-)*

Excellent: A+ to B+

Very Good: B- to C+

Good: C- to D-

I've never seen anyone go below that so-

"_.........( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)" -My African parents

"No electronics until I say so and I swear if you get these grades again I will fricking drop you out of school and you'll become a begger" -My dad

Lots of shouting later...

"Ok" -Me in real life ʘ‿ʘ

*Works hard for weeks straight*

"*gives electronics back* but I swear...if I see you not studying I. Will. Sell. It" -My dad

Flashback over....

"Wow must've sucked" -Sho

"I know..." -Haku-chan

Anyway forget my pain let's get onto Y/n's ('')

As both Mrs.Valentine and Mr.5 wonder through the forest Vivi looked at the unconscious Y/n 'Y/n..Please wake up..' Vivi pleaded in her head as they finally reach Mr.3 practically bullying the giant he caught with his Wax.

"I feel so lucky! First I find 2 long lost giants and a Goddess worth 1.5 billion berry-" Mr.3 exclaimed "SO THATS WHAT YOU WERE AFTER HOW DARE YOU HURT Y/N-SA- OW" Vivi groaned as Mrs.Valentine silenced her "We brought both of them!" Mrs.Valentine exclaimed "The traitor of our company and the Goddess." Mr.5 explained "Your methods are so underhanded! First you put bombs in Dorry-san's drink!" Vivi yelled as the giant's friend was really surprised. "And second you use such a weapon against Y/n! She didn't even do anything to you or your stupid compa-" Vivi continued as she was silenced again by Mrs.Valentine

"Oi, oi watch your mouth princess, one more comment and I'll make sure you don't see your Goddess friend again." Mr.5 threatened "Wretched little girl, giving away our tricks, Well now there is nothing you could do" Mr.3 continued.

"CANDLE LOCK!" Mr.3 suddenly shouted as he let out a wax that secured both of Vivi's legs refraining from her running away "What do we do about the Goddess?" Mr.5 asked "Just give her to me I'll make sure those wretched pirates don't steal her away, oh and before I forget get me that swordsman and the girl!" Mr.3 replied as Mrs.Valentine handed Y/n to Mr.3 and then both Mrs.Valentine and Mr.5 left for Mr.3's request.

『 𝙂̷𝙤̷𝙙̷𝙙̷𝙚̷𝙨̷𝙨̷ 𝙤̷𝙛̷ 𝙏̷𝙝̷𝙚̷ 𝙐̷𝙣̷𝙞̷𝙫̷𝙚̷𝙧̷𝙨̷𝙚̷ 』Where stories live. Discover now