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Tae, as always, keeps on talking about random things, and thank God Ann is in the same mood as him, so they chatted together while I was so focused on my phone like it was the most interesting thing on earth. But honestly, it was only my excuse for not engaging in conversation with Y/N. As I can see, she is also shy about starting a conversation, but I sometimes give her a glance. I'll just use the phone as an excuse, so it won't look so obvious. She is really beautiful and way too far from all the girls Tae sets me up with. She has a lovely face, like she is just a toddler. Her smile reminds me of my late grandmother. She also has a dimple on her left cheek that shows more when she smiles. Her eyes are like almonds, and her pointed nose is so damn attractive, like she is half-Spanish.

I must ask Tae about that later.

After a while, the food was served, so I put my phone back on my packet and was about to start digging the food when suddenly there was a phone ringing. I look up and meet Y/N's eyes. She is looking at me, smiling. I smile too, but then I notice Tae and Ann are also looking in my direction. I look at them, perplexed, and then back at Y/N, who is still smiling at me, but her smile has changed, it appears she wants to tell me something. I was perplexed at first when she nodded her head at me while still smiling, but then I realized there was a phone ringing from our table, and it was my phone, so I mentally facepalmed myself and felt a little embarrassed. I took my phone out of my pocket again, excused myself, and walked to the balcony of the restaurant to answer the call.

"I'm so sorry, Tae, Ann, and Y/N, but I really have to go. I just got a call from Mom, and I need to meet her now."

I returned to our table after receiving the call to inform them that I was leaving. This scene is not new to me anymore. This happens every weekend. Taehyung was about to say something but Y/N stopped him and gave me permission to leave. I was so relieved to be able to leave. Unlike the previous lady, they tried to stop me from leaving even though I announced that it was Mom who called me, and that made me disappointed in how they tried to control me. It seems they wanted me to stay and choose them instead of Mom.

But this one is different. I can see her family comes first.

So I said my goodbyes and exited the scene, and made my way out of the building. But it is not yet that far, when I heard Taehyung's voice behind me.

"Jimin dude, I have to remind you about earlier, that this is the last one and you can't count on me anymore in the future, when you realize that you need to find someone special who will stay beside you."

This is the first time Tae withdrew his support for me, and honestly speaking, his words hurt me.

"Take care on your way to Busan, dude. See you on Monday when we have time."

He continued before he turned and walked back inside the building.

He continued before he turned and walked back inside the building

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