Ch34 The man

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"Speed up, Tae, or I'll drive."

"Chilax man, I got this."

We're on our way to Ilsan by car. I told Kris Ann and Taehyung that we should ride a plane, but they just ignored me, which is why we end up here, in Tae's car. I was so desperate to reach Ilsan fast, but this guy was taking so long. And what else can I do? Even if I go by myself, I wouldn't know where to go, so I don't have any choice but to follow what they want.

Y/N, that girl really worries me. I never felt this kind of connection with Minji before, even when she was out drinking with her male friends. For sure, she would tell me everything she did and every place she went. Unlike this girl, Y/N, she never tells me about her personal life, she is full of secrets, or maybe she is not the kind of person who doesn't want her life story to be shared.

"Hey dude, wake up, we've arrived."

I opened my eyes slowly as I felt Tae shake my shoulder, and in a second I was fully awake when Kris Ann shot the door of the car when she got out and saw her walking away. I suddenly got panic and got out of the car to follow her, then I felt Tae behind me.

As we reached the building, Kris pushed the mirror door of a laundry shop, even though there was a sign on it saying that the shop was closed. Me and Tae didn't say anything and just followed Kris inside while she was calling "eomma" until we saw a middle-aged woman crying and a young boy caressing her back while holding a glass of water. The boy looked up when he noticed us.

When we reached the hospital, Kris Ann rushed to the front desk to ask where and how Y/N is, while me and Tea tried our best to catch up from behind. Y/N's mom told us what happened, but she didn't know who those people were who helped her bring Y/N to the hospital. According to her, the man looks so close to Y/N. That's why she just let them bring her to the hospital without her because she is panicking and because she was so scared and cried hard like she was going to faint anytime.

When me and Tae was about to catch up at the front desk where Kris was talking to the nurse. She again started to walk away, and I guess she already had the information about where Y/Ns room was, so again we fastened our pace to meet hers.

From a distance, I spotted a man and woman sitting on the gang chair facing the door of the emergency room. I then realized that the man was familiar.

Kris stood behind the closed door of the emergency room, catching her breath when we reached her side.

"Babe, take a seat awhile."

Tae helped Kris sit beside the couple, I guess.

"Tae, I'm so worried for Y/N."

When Kris said that, the couple looked at her.

"Y/N will be fine. Don't worry too much, baby."

"You must be Kris Ann? Y/Ns bestie?"

The guys spoke, and that's when I remembered who he was and where I had seen him before.

"Yes, I am. How do you know that? And did we meet before? You look familiar."

Like me, Kris was curious.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook."

Right, it's him, the man in the video, Jungkook. Y/N called him Jungkook, but I didn't finish watching anymore.

"Wait, aren't you? Yes, I do remember now. It's you, the guy who helped Y/N at the party, the guy whom she called Jungkook, right?


"Oh, are you a good friend of Y/N then?"

"Let's say it that way, however, we meet at the bar, and I'm one of her regular customers. And this is Monica, my fiancée. We came here from Seoul because Monica wanted Y/N to be one of her bridesmaids and to sing at our wedding, but when I entered her shop just then, she fainted."

I totally fucked things up.

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