Ch38 Promise

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The whole ride on our way here to the hospital, Y/N was silent, and I know she was scared. I held her hand and comforted her, reassuring her that everything would be fine and that I was here for her. She stays silent along the way, and I let her be. I know this is her way to calm herself, so I let her be and just concentrated on my driving.

"So, Y/N, I know you are not new with this sickness since your brother just survived fighting this killer sickness. Are you ready?"

I look at Y/N, who is still silent. She sighs nervously but manages to nod her head at Hyung.

"Alright then, So first, let me start by asking you if you have decided what to do about your hair. I know you know about this, right?"


"Hyung, can I talk to her about that later? I mean, we don't need to rush that right now since it's her first session."

I know Y/N is still undecided about what to do with her long and beautiful hair. I want her to think first if she will wait until it will fall little by little or if she wants to be bold now.

"Oh, I get it, but I will warn you. You have to decide fast if Y/N will go bold, you have to see the salon as early as possible because chemotherapy has so many side effects, such as hair loss, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and even sores and pain with swallowing, etc. In general, Y/N will fall weak, and I doubt she can't do things like she used to."

"Noted, Hyung. Thanks."

"Okay, wow, I guess we already made things crystal clear, so Y/N, are you ready?"

Y/N smiles weakly but still nods to agree. The nurse came and helped Y/N get ready,  she stood up from where she sits, I hugged and kissed her forehead before giving her an assurance smile.

"I'll wait for you here. Don't worry too much."

"Don't,  Please use the time to visit mom at the shop, please comfort her, Jimin. I know she worries more than I did."

"Okay, I'll go see her, promise."

I use the Google Maps app to go to her laundry shop since it was my second time here, and since I know nothing about this place, using the map is really a big help. When I entered the shop, I was surprised to see Taehyung and Kris Ann talking with Y/N's mom, or should I say comforting her. They turned their heads when they heard the door, and when Y/N's mom saw me, she immediately stood up from her seat and walked towards me.

"Jimin, how is she? And why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with her?"

She throws me a lot of questions, but I just let her finish before I speak.

"She is doing fine, Mrs. Song. I'm here because she asked me to come to see you."

"Why is there any problem with the therapy?"

"No, Mrs. Song, I'm sorry to make you worry. I'm here to accompany you and tell you that everything is well, so please don't worry too much."

I look in Kris and Tea's direction, and I can see that they believe what I said, that everything is fine since I saw that they are a little bit more relaxed than earlier, when I saw them having a serious conversation with Y/N's mom.

I look in Kris and Tea's direction, and I can see that they believe what I said, that everything is fine since I saw that they are a little bit more relaxed than earlier, when I saw them having a serious conversation with Y/N's mom

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