Ch11 Silence

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"Hey, sorry I'm still at the store doing something, overtime I guess."

Thank God she answered after a while. I hope what she said is true, that it was just her work and that she is not avoiding me because of last night. I didn't intend to stop our make out, but I just avoided that it would go farther. It's not that I don't like her, my body knows how much I want her, but I need time and my conscience is overtaking me.

"I'm outside the store waiting. I'm picking you up for dinner."

"Oh okay, we are almost done. Just give me 10 minutes if you will."

"It's okay, take all the time you need, I'm fine waiting."

"Okay, see you."

Then she hung up.

After almost 20 minutes of waiting outside, she came out of the store with her co-workers. I stood beside my car and waited for her to notice me, and it happened not long after they said goodbye to each other. I watch her coming towards my direction as I smile, realizing how beautiful she is and that my actions last night were a big mistake.

"Sorry Jimin for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, I can wait longer for you."

I said and she just smile.

"Let's go,"

I said as I opened the car door for her when she nodded her head.

The car ride was silent. She looked tired, but I was also worried that she really was avoiding me, so I tried to start the conversation.

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

I asked, which made her look at me.


Her short and curious response.

"Suddenly overtime?"

"Oh... Irene will not report to work for a week, so I have to do her part, the boss's order."

"Is she fine?"

"I'm not sure. I hope so."


Now it's me who gives a short answer. I can feel she is tired as well.

Again, the ride felt silent until we reached the restaurant. The waiter showed us to our table that I had reserved. Y/N only speaks when I ask some questions. I understand her. Maybe she feels a bit awkward and shy about what happened to us last night. So I start talking about random stuff while waiting for the food, and when it is served, we start eating.

"Let's go to see a movie after this if you like?"

I randomly asked, because I was already starting to become deaf because of her silence.

"That was a nice idea, but I'm sorry. I think I can't join you. I still have to email some reports to our manager when I reach home. I was ordered by the boss to take over Irene's place until Tuesday next week. Can we do stuff next week since I was busy this week? "

That was the longest answer I heard from her. The whole time, she only answered yes, okay, umm, oh.

"Okay, let's go next week then."

"Thank you."

I drove her home at 7 and saw Taes' car at the building parking area. I parked my car beside his and was about to get off to open the door for her, like a gentleman after turning off the engine when she stopped me.

"It's okay, Jimin, you don't have to open the door for me. I know you're tired too. You can go home and get some rest. "

I wanted to protest because what she said is not true. I am not tired. I want to stay with her even for a while.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can stay if you want."

I said after realising that maybe she was still not comfortable seeing me because of last night again.

"I'm fine, thank you. Good night Jimin, please drive safely. "

With that, she got off my car and walked out.

With that, she got off my car and walked out

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