Ch31 Best

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I groaned as a ray of sunlight hit my eyes as I tried to open them slowly, but failed because the sun was already too bright. I turned to the other side of the bed and tried to push my body up but I couldn't. I felt so weak and my body was chilling.

Ah, this must be because I was too tired from yesterday doing all the cleaning at the place I rented to start a small laundry business.

I tried again to push myself up but still failed, so I just lay down there a little more, hoping my mum or my brother would come in my room for help. After waiting for about 15 minutes, mum came in.

Thank God.


Mum said as she knocked on my door. I wanted to tell her to just come in, but even my mouth was too weak to speak louder.

"Y/N, are you awake?"

Mom asked as she pushed the door open. I smiled at her and nodded my head.

"G-good morning, mum."

In a soft voice, I said,

"Y/N, are you okay?"

Mum asked before putting her palm on my forehead, trying to check my body temperature.

"I think I had a fever, mom."

"Yes you do. Do you want to see the doctor?"

"No need, it's just a slight fever. It will heal after I take medicine."

"Are you sure?" As I nod.

"Then, I'm bringing your breakfast and medicine here. Wait, I'll go get it."

"Thank you, mum."

She came back with the tray of food. She helps me to sit up and she also feeds me like I am still her baby. My mum is so caring and I really miss this.

"Stay, I will go and continue to clean what you left yesterday at the shop, so you don't have to worry. Just rest."

"Mum, there's no more to clean, it's just the delivery of those machines I ordered is today. Please, mum, receive it for me. "

"Silly girl, I will and you don't have to say please."

"Then, I love you mum, can do."

She smiled and nodded her head. I really love her. She makes me feel alive every day.

When mum left to shop, I stayed in bed, still feeling weak. My brother is in the living room since I can hear him talking to himself, and that only happens every time he is playing an online game on his phone.


I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed. I have to tell Kris Ann that I'm starting my business and I know she will be happy for me. I knew what she would say when she heard it, but of course I still wanted to hear it from her.

"Hey, it's me. Are you busy?"

I suddenly became curious about what took her so long to answer.

"You know, you're lucky, I still picked up the call. You know, I don't answer un familiar number, right?."

"Oh sorry, I changed my number the next day after I called you and that's when I was with mum and Shi hoo at the beach."

"Okay, make sure you won't change again because I will save this number on my phone after we talk.

"I won't, promise."

"How are you doing? You sound weak."

"I'm fine, I'm just tired of cleaning the shop."


"Um... Kris, I'm about to start a laundry business."

"Oh my God, that's great. How about, you know, um, let's be partners? "

"I'm fine with it."

"Done. I'm sending my part tomorrow."

"All right"

"Now rest, you can't fool me, I know you're not fine. Bye."

She is the best.

She is the best

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