Ch17 Red diamond

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"Congratulations Y/N. Red Diamond is happy to hire you."

"Thank you, Miss Marie,"

"Don't mention it, dear, so I'll meet you tomorrow at the Purple Diamond, which is the main branch. I bet you know where it is located, right? Our company has a policy for the newly hired employees to have their first day at the main branch so they can see and observe carefully how the staff entertain those big and important customers. So be ready and see you tomorrow. "

I was standing at the corner with two more recently hired by different branches, observing the main staff how they welcomed and approached those customers entering the store. No wonder the store owner named the store after different colors for every branch. This is the main branch named Purple Diamond, and indeed every inch of this shop is purple, from the wall, ceiling, chairs, tables, boxes of jewelry, staff uniforms, everything is purple. Even the official receipt paper is purple. There's not a minute for the customers to not enter the store, which makes the staff so busy, but we are told to just stay still in one corner and smile while observing. High-ranking politicians' wives, large corporation owners wives, celebrities, and others, come and go. The only time we leave our spot is if the staff or branch managers call us for assistance. It was not long when a young man came in and Miss Marie approached him. Miss Marie is the branch manager where I applied, and the only reason why managers of different branches were here is when they hired a new employee like me, they needed to stay with us the whole day to show us things we needed to learn.

From where I stand, I can see Miss Marie is talking to the young man with a big smile. She offers the man a seat and she also takes hers behind the glass jewelry cabinet. She chats with the man for a while before she takes out a purple box full of rings. Then she asks one of the staff to come. She whispers something to her and the lady nods before she turns and takes another box full of rings. Then the lady was walking in my direction and handed me the box, saying I would be assisting my manager on this one. From there, I was so worried and I can say I was shaken by fear that I would do it wrong.

I slowly approach Miss Marie. I stand on her and on the young man's side. I can say he is really handsome and very attractive, but I didn't pay much attention to him because I needed to focus on what I was about to do since it was my first day of work. Miss Marie, take the box from me and show it to the man. He looked at each ring, examining it until one caught his interest. And I can say he chose the right one. His girl will be so happy, I'm sure.


Irene pulled me away from my thoughts. She is looking outside the shop through the glass window.

"Yes, Jimin."

I said. That young man, the first customer I served on my first day of work, was Jimin. And the ring he brought is the ring Minji is wearing in the photo.

"Yes, it's Jimin. Y/N look."

She said excitedly, I ignore her and didn't gave much attention to what she was pointing out.

"Y/N, Jimin is outside, come." She continued.

"It's no surprise anymore, Irene,"

I said, and turned my attention back to what I was doing.

"Stand up and look for yourself, and tell me if it's not a surprise."

She said, now standing beside me, trying hard to pull me up so I could stand from where I was sitting.

I walked with her to the window and it really surprised me. Jimin is outside, standing beside his car with a bouquet of roses in his hand. His car is decorated with balloons and more roses on top of the hood. I was really surprised watching the scene from a distance. At that moment, I was so happy and overjoyed that I didn't wait for my work to finish and ran out of the store.

 At that moment, I was so happy and overjoyed that I didn't wait for my work to finish and ran out of the store

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