Ch14 Uncertain

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I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my room, contemplating my life. My mind is not fully decided on what I really want. I'm so confused and can't choose. I'm very willing to take a step and move forward in my life, but the memories of the past are hard to let go. I've already tried to stop and start again, but I failed. I'm trying my best to make me and Y/N workout and I guess we are. That night, when we made out on my sofa here at my apartment, it was the first time I brought her here. It was also the first kiss and first intimate touch we shared, but because of my uncertain feelings I had that night, everything went wrong and I regretted the part I stopped, but still I think I did the right thing.

My thoughts were driven away when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw it was Y/N. I tried to answer, but before I could say a word, she spoke.


"Hi Y/N, Are you okay? "

"Yes, I'm good."

"Okay, why you call? Aren't you supposed to be in bed now? "

"Yes, I'm about to sleep now."


"Ah Jimin, I called to ask you if you could spare me this weekend of yours. Ah, I mean, I'll be holding a dinner at my place on Saturday just for you, Tae, Ann, and me. I'm cooking."

"Y-N I- I'm not sure if I can come. You know why right? I'm sorry Y/N I-wanted to, but there are things I-"

"Jimin, please stay. Let's meet up tomorrow and have dinner together."

"Y/N tomorrow is Friday, and-"

"I'll see to it, tomorrow after work, then Jimin. Good night."

Y/N I-" but the line had already been cut.

Because I don't want Y/N to wait for me or expect me tomorrow after work. I immediately dial her number but she turns her phone off. I kept on calling her for about 2 minutes more, hoping she just went out of battery and charged her phone, but it was still off, so I decided to go and talk to her personally. I drive to Kris Ann's apartment but I notice Kris Ann's car is not in the parking area. Maybe she went out to Tae's place, because when I sent Y/N home earlier, her car was in here. I immediately rang the doorbell without hesitation when I reached their unit. It didn't come into my mind that I should disturb Y/N if she was already asleep. All I was thinking is that I must have to talk to her and make things clear that I really have to leave tomorrow. I pressed the bell many times, but still no one was opening the door. So I took my phone and called Tae.

"Hey, it's late, dude, why are you calling?"

"Tae is Kris Ann with you?"

"No, why?"

"I'm at their door but no one is at home, maybe, since I've been ringing for minutes already."

"It's late, bro. Did you have a fight with Y/N?"

"No, I just want to talk to her personally about something."

"Okay, I will try to call her. Wait up."


When Tae hung up, I decided to go back to my car and wait for his call.

 When Tae hung up, I decided to go back to my car and wait for his call

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