Ch33 Customer

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I am so thankful that the business is going so well. Customers are increasing in number every day. Sometimes I have to ask some of the customers to come and pick up their laundry 10 to 15 minutes later than the exact time because we got so full of loads and only mum and I were doing all the work. I've already put a sign outside indicating that I'm hiring a companion so our work will be faster and mum can just stay home and look after my brother so they can both have a full rest.

"Y/N, the food is ready."

I checked my wrist watch and saw that it was already half past one, indicating that we would have another late lunch.

"Yes mum, I'm coming."

I changed the sign board that was hanging at the door from 'We're open, please come in' to 'Sorry it's lunch break, please come back at 2:30'. Thank you.' Since we opened the laundry shop, we have not been able to eat on the usual schedule. Since we start this business, we have eaten late, returned home late, and slept late.

When I was about to turn, I suddenly felt dizzy again, and I could feel something that was coming out of my nose. I grabbed some tissue and wiped my nose, just to find out that I was having a nosebleed again, so I ran to the toilet and cleaned up. I can't let my mom and brother see me like this.

"Noona, I'm done. Can I borrow your phone? I just wanted to play and my phone was dead. "

"Um, go get it, it's in the drawer of my table."

"Thanks, Noona."

"You're welco-,"

I said, but he stormed away before I could finish.

Mum remains silent, not saying anything as she watches me eat. I know she wants to ask something, but I also know she is only stopping herself. Recently, I've been getting tired easily, dizzy, and nose bleeding. I want to see the doctor, but I can't just leave the shop to mum and my brother, and besides, I don't want to waste money just to see the doctor for a little sickness. Maybe I just have to eat on the run and never skip meals, plus I will try to rest longer than just the usual break, but I can only do this if I can find someone to help me in the shop.


Mom's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You're now playing with your food. You don't like the taste? Tell me and I will cook another for you. "

"No mum, it's delicious. I was just thinking of something."

"If this is about the work at this shop, Y/N, don't take all of the responsibilities. I'm your mother, and whatever work needs to be done here, it must be me the one to help you, so please stop taking it all and give yourself time to rest and relax."

"Mum, I'm doing all I can to give you and Shi hoo a comfortable life. If I can't give you the best, then at least a comfortable one."

"Our life now is very much more comfortable and I thank you for that."

"Your welcome mum."

I cut her and stood up. I know where this conversation is going to go. She will cry and tell me how grateful she is to have me as her daughter. I want to hear those words from her again, but I don't want to see the tears roll down her cheeks.

"Mum, thank you for the food. It's really amazing how you cook."

She smiled and shook her head before standing and starting to fix the table as I went back to work.

I already finished three sets of laundry, but my little brother didn't show up yet. I know I don't have to worry because he is not the kid who loves to go out and waste time doing useless things, so I'm sure he is just here around the corner.

My thoughts were interrupted once more when the door made a sudden sound indicating that someone had just entered, so I turned to look and was about to greet the customer when I was surprised to see someone close to me.

But before I could welcome them, my surroundings suddenly became dark because I passed out.

But before I could welcome them, my surroundings suddenly became dark because I passed out

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