Ch7 Stop

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"Jimin son, when will you stop being like this? When are you going to open your eyes and make your brain work, son? When are you going to stop coming here? When Jimin? Me and your dad are getting older every day. You're still young and what you are doing with your life pains me so badly."

My mom's words kept ringing in my mind while I was sitting inside my car. I can't bear seeing her cry, but what can I do, mum? It's been two years, but I can't stop myself. I tried to avert my attention by making myself busy, but still my heart kept dictating me to come and pay a visit. I know dad wants the same thing as mum for me to start over, but I can't, perhaps it's not yet time.

I shook my head trying to brush out my thoughts still sitting uncomfortable inside my car that was parked in front of where Y/N works, but then my eyes got glued to the glass wall of the store. I could see the people inside fixing the jewelry and covering it with white cloth. One of them is holding a paper while counting the items that are still placed at the jewelry T-bar stand. I got out of my car and leans against the door with my hands on my pockets, and it wasn't long before the stuff started coming out one by one, until the light went out, and there she was, coming out before she turned to lock the metal door of the store. They start to walk in my direction chatting and laughing, and it seems she didn't notice me, so I wave my hand for her to notice me or any of the colleagues. They look at each other with wonder and surprise when I start walking, meeting them half way.


I greeted them, looking straight at Y/N.


they all said in unison, but not her.

"Y/N, I came to pick you up for dinner and drive you home after, if you're okay with it."


again they said together.

"We were about to have our dinner-"

"No, we are not hungry yet and have decided to just go home and eat, right? right?"

One of them cut Y/N and made excuses by giving her big eyes to them so they could get the message.

Ah, she's cool.

"But Irene,"

so she's Irene.

"Not buts, Y/N,"


they say while walking away, pushing each other.

I thought it was cute when I saw Y/Ns jaw drop in disbelief that her colleagues betrayed her.

"Shall we get going then?"

I asked and she just nodded but didn't say anything.

"How do you know where I work?"

She suddenly asks when we just hit the road and get away.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry about that. I asked Tae."

I simply answered, a little worried, but then she just nodded her head and leaned back.

The car ride was totally silent. She looked a bit tense and shy, as I can see she held her bag that was on her lap a bit tighter.

"Do you have a place in mind?"

I ask softly. I want her to choose where she will feel comfortable.

"I have no idea."

She said and shook her head a little.

"So do you mind then if I choose?"

"No, I don't."

When she said that, I took her to my favorite restaurant owned by one of my good friends, Kim Seok Jin, Taehyungs older brother.

When she said that, I took her to my favorite restaurant owned by one of my good friends, Kim Seok Jin, Taehyungs older brother

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