Ch19 Family

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"Are you sure you don't want to come up?"

"No, you should go. Ann is waiting for you. She has something important to tell you."

After we had dinner at Jins resto, Jimin wanted to bring me to watch a movie, but he said he needed to talk to Tae about something important, so we will see the movie tomorrow night. He drove me home, and now we're in front of my apartment building and I'm trying to invite him to come up. He told me earlier that he needed to meet with Tae, and now Ann will have something important to tell me? I'm confused really. But it's okay, we'll find out once I go up.

"Okay then, thank you for the dinner and also for driving me home. Goodnight Jimin."

As I was about to open the door of his car, I stopped when he held my arm, and when I turned to face him, he suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I smile on his lips and immediately return it until what I thought was a kiss turned out to be make out.

I stood in front of my apartment door, trying to confirm if I was hearing things right. Neither me nor Kris Ann ever listened to music as loud as what I was hearing while standing at our door. I never heard the neighbors playing music as loud as this either. I was so curious and now I have to find it out for myself.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open, and there it was, right in front of my face, the answer. Kris Ann is dancing to the rhythm of the music she is listening to, oh no, erase that it is not music, it is noise. Yes, if the sound is too loud. For me, it's noise. When I entered, she didn't notice me. Yah, I can't with this woman. She didn't hear me opening the door either because of her loud noise. I walk straight to the component where she plays the music, the noise I mean, and turn it off.

"Hey, you're here? When did you arrive?"

She asked, panting, tired of her dancing.

"Just now, you're too busy, I guess."


she suddenly screamed my name. It is so loud that I have to cover my ears.

"What's wrong with you? Are you being possessed? First, your music is too loud. Now you're yelling my name even though you're just in front of me."

"Y/N I'm so happy today. Y/N. Look" she said, showing her finger to me.

"Wow... I can't believe an alien wants to have a family."

"Yah... you're so mean, you know?"

"Okay, I'm happy for you bestie. I know Tae will take care of you well. He will be a good husband to you and a good father to your future kiddos. One thing I can't assure of is—"


"If you will be a good wife."


"I'm just kidding. Congratulations."

We hugged each other tightly, excited for the next chapter of her life that she was about to enter. I hope we still have time for each other. I hope nothing will change about us. I hope we will still be there when we need each other. Our little moment was interrupted when my phone suddenly rang. I took it out of my sling bag that I forgot to put down when I was into my acting about the good news Kris Ann told me.


Why is mom calling at this hour? I was shaking. I can't explain what I feel every time Mom is calling.

"Hay.. what are you waiting for? Answer it quickly."

"Hello, mum. You've called? "

I went silent as mum kept talking. I wanted to make sure I was hearing correctly, so I didn't interrupt her and remained silent.

'Thanks be to God, all my praises are for you my Lord.'

I thank God with all my heart after mum hung up the call.

"Y/N what did your mum said?"

"Kris ah,"


"My little brother is going home."

"Ohhh... my... God... Am I hearing right? Pinch me Y/N quick." I smile.

" I smile

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