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I groaned when I felt a little loss after I tried to reach the other side of the bed and it was empty. At first, I thought it was just because the bed was a king size, so I opened my eyes, and my thoughts were wrong. Y/N was really not on her side of the bed, so I quickly stood up, turned the lights on, and went back to sit at the bed as I needed to slip my slippers on after I felt cold since it was really freezing because the temperature keeps on dropping, and then I heard a noise at the toilet, and I'm sure it was her. I then stood up and walked to the toilet to see Y/N kneeling on the floor with her head facing the toilet bowl. I rush to her and feel so worried,

What is she doing?

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I suddenly felt the urge to puke."

She stood up and walked out of our room to the kitchen. I followed her, still worried and wondering what was happening to her. Just this whole day, she kept complaining that she had a headache and felt so dizzy, and now she felt that she wanted to puke.

"Baby, let's go to see the doctor first thing tomorrow. I'm worried about why you're being like this again. You're already cancer free after 3 years of fighting, and now another year has passed, but why are you experiencing all of this again?"

"I don't know why Jimin, and I'm scared. What if my cancer occurs again? What if this time was worse than before? Jimin what will I do? I'm scared, Jimin-ah."

I pulled her into a tight hug and tried to calm her. She was already crying and shaking in fear.

"Baby, that's not the case again, I know. Hyung already reassured us that you were free, and you heard that your own. Don't think about it too much, I'm here with you and I will never leave you. You know that, baby?"

I can feel she slightly nodded her head, and I waited until she was totally calm.

"It's almost midnight, let's go back to bed and sleep. Tomorrow, I will call Namjoon Hyung and ask him if he can refer us to another doctor here in Seoul so we don't need to travel to Ilsan. Is that what will make you calm down, and will it help you have a good, enough sleep?"

I felt her nod while carrying her, back to our room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park?"

"Yes, here."

"Sir, Ma'am, Dr. Han is now ready to see you, please follow me."

We thank the nurse and follow behind her until we enter the consultation room of Dr. Han, whom Namjoon Hyung said was a good friend of his, but I'm his brother's best friend, and I know a little of Hyung's secret since Tae is an alien and always accidentally spills secrets out.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Park, right? Please have a seat."

As our buttocks touch the leather seat, her phone, which was on the top of her table, rings. She smiles at us, trying her best to ignore the call, but from where I was sitting, I could see the name that was flashing on her phone screen, it was RM calling.

"Doc, please answer. I had a feeling that it was Namjoon hyung calling."

I can see how her face turns red, she smiles shyly, feeling embarrassed. I look at my girl, who is just sitting on the other side, facing me. She looked down on her lap, smiling as she shook her head, not believing that I said that.

"I will return his call later, patients come first."

She said after she gathered herself from blushing.

"Mrs. Park I have to ask you some questions first before I proceed and do some testing."

"Please call me Y/N, doctor."

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