Ch21 VIP

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"Yes baby, what's wrong? Why are you stopping? "

"Jimin, I'm scared your sisters will not like me."

"There's no way, baby, I'm sure she will like you."

I got off of Jimin's car feeling worried. I never knew Jimin had a younger sister until the other day, when he told me that we would attend her birthday party in a hotel. Tae and Kris Ann didn't mention her either, especially Tae.

As soon as we entered the function hall, I felt uncomfortable. All eyes were on me and Jimin. Girls at most same as my age, eyed me from head to toes, they make me feel like a wasn't belong in there. I hold Jimin's arm a bit tighter, like my life depends on him.

"It's okay baby, just relax."

While Jimin comforts me, we walk in front of two young ladies who are standing elegantly.

"Oppa, you came."

The lady, who I suspect is his sister, greeted him with a warm hug.

"Happy Birthday, little sis." Jimin said when they let go of each other.


The other lady, also addressed him the same as Jimin's younger sister. She hugged him tightly, pressing Jimin's body more on hers and caressing his back smoothly with one hand, while the other hand snaked on Jimin's hips tightly while she smirked at me with one eyebrow up. I bite my lower lip and look away so I can avoid eye contact with her and also to control myself from getting jealous.

That's my man, girl.

"Baby, this is Park Jaemin my sister, and this is Ruby, her best friend. Girls meet Song Y/N, my beautiful girlfriend. "

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Y/N."

Jaemin leans in for cheek to-cheek kissing.

"Let's go Y/N. I will introduce you to others."

Her best friend Ruby suddenly grab my arm and pulls me along with her. I didn't get another chance to look at Jimin because I walked faster so I wouldn't fall if I couldn't meet her step.

We reached the group of ladies and she introduced me to everyone, but they just smiled and wave their hand a bit. No one bothered to give her name after she said my name to them. They continued to talk about something else, as if I was not there with them. They laughed and toasted their glasses to each other in front of me, but no one offered me a drink. I was invisible to them, but I can't find a way to excuse myself. I look around but I can't see Jimin. He is not in the place where he was before.

The talk and laughter continued without me saying a single word. I stayed silent, like a mute in front of them. No one dares to ask me something, no one dares to offer me something. No one talked to me until,

"Y/N? Y/N is that you?"

I looked where the manly voice came from just to find out it was Yugyeom.


"Oh my God, it's really you Y/N. How have you been?"

"I've been good, and you?"

"Well, I've never been better till I saw you." He said, a little flirty.

"I knew it. It suits you well."

He is now talking about my dress. Can't blame him. This dress was given to me by Jungkook, so can't blame him for recognizing it.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You know how much time we spent before we found that dress? It took us almost a day. Jungkook didn't want us to stop. We went to every famous mall in France just to find that dress that he knew you would love and look extra beautiful with. "

"So how do I look?"

"More than Jungkook imagined."

We both laughed at his remarks, but when I looked at the others, I suddenly felt shy. All eyes were already on me and Yugyeom.

"It's like, you two are so comfortable with each other. Have you met before?"

A lady came near us and asked.

"Yes, I met her through a friend at the bar where Y/N works as an entertainer. And my friend is one of her VIP customers. "

The moment they heard that, everyone started to murmur something, whispering something to each other. From there, I started to worry and I felt my whole body was shaking. I looked around me and saw everyone's eyes were on me. I can see them but I couldn't hear anything. Like I became deaf in an instant but not until a voice rang in my ear.


It's Jimin.

It's Jimin

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