Chapter 1... Nosebleed Talk

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That Saturday afternoon, Jason, Noah, Liam and I decided to head to our skatepark. The same place we were always almost kicked out of for “disturbing the peace” as some mothers decided to word it (I completely disagree as all we do is shout and laugh at the top of our lungs).

That's when I saw her again, sitting across from the park in the grass, surrounded by her friends. The girl that had stolen my heart in my childhood and disappeared with it. Last I heard about her, her parents decided to move to a different house, which as little kids with no way to contact each other meant that she moved out of my world for good. Or at least until now. She may have been physically missing between these years from my life, but my mind has not stopped thinking about her. She looked different though, older, more mature than the little pigtail girl I remember. although that is to be expected after some years. But I could recognise that smile anywhere, it wasn't missing any teeth any longer but it still looked the same to me.

It was definitely her.

I'm sure of it.

“You should definitely go talk to her “ Noah's brilliant idea registered in my mind.
Before I could even respond to his idoticy Liam beat me to it. “Are you kidding? He hasn't talked to her in six years, He can't now, it would be so obvious”

”He does have to talk to her at some point if he wants a relationship” Said Jason.
“Exactly! Go talk to her man” Noah said as he was pushing me in their direction, I swear he was getting a taste of my knuckles as soon as we were alone. As I got closer I could feel my hands start to sweat. Oh great, just what I needed. If it wasn't enough that I was about to be reunited with my childhood friend and crush with those three idiots behind me, giving them ammunition to use on me later. I had to get nervous to talk to her. They will never let me live this down, that's for sure.

When I finally reached them, she looked up at me with that smile that I loved so much. I heard myself say a low and shy “hi”, I was certain that I looked like a creepy stalker trying to talk.

She looked at me with concern so I knew I had to say something, when the words finally came out.. I just said “hey” Like if I wasn't standing there for a minute just thinking of what to say.

-”Hey Oli” I haven't heard her call me that in the longest time and It made me so happy “Are you ok?” She said standing up close to me. My heart dropped, she was so close to me that I had butterflies in my stomach.

-”Yeah I'm fine ho- how are you?” I couldn't help but stutter the whole time I talked, her beauty just blew me away so much that I just wanted to stand there and admire her for the rest of my life and I would never get bored.

-”I'm fine. Would you like to talk in private?” She said looking at her friends that were looking at me laughing, but how could they not? They were probably thinking I was some idiot that had the biggest crush on their best friend. I would laugh too if that happened to Noah if he ever got a girlfriend.

-”Oh yeah, sure” At that moment she grabbed my hand and went with me to the spot behind the park. Her sweet tender hands made me almost melt, it was the best feeling in the world.

-”I know we haven't talked in a while but I hope we can again? Like when we were kids?” I hadn't even processed what she said and said “yes” Straight away. “Is that why you called me Oli?” I asked “I have always called you Oli, and maybe I can call you something else soon enough” She turned around and walked away.
I felt like I couldn't talk. I just stood there in pure shock trying to understand what she said, she even said it in a flirty way so I was about to faint. Before I could, I saw Jason, Noah and Liam walking towards me so I quickly tried to stay normal again.

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