Chapter 14... Chaos Starts

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I noticed that they didn't talk at all. The teacher announced we had to make a project about that book we read 2 weeks ago. I would have to read the book again to just refresh my memory a little bit.

I luckily got paired up with my beautiful, amazing girlfriend. When they announced our names I couldn't get over the fact of how she smiled.

Her sweet little smile...

Noah got paired up with some other guy and Adrielle got with another friend of hers I suppose since they looked happy to be together.

The rest of the class was actually working with your partner to set up and begin working. Now, what we had to do in this project was write a summary about the book and then explain what you think would have happened next.

The seats were rearranged so now I was sitting next to her while I was beginning to read the book again. "What do you think he sees in her?" She asked me to look at her computer while typing. "Who?" I frowned looking up from my book to see her.

-"Jason and Adrielle of course" She stopped typing and looked at me "Darling I thought you were like best friends with her... you said you were happy for her" I was getting worried now remembering that dream I had last night.

-"Well I guess I am, I just don't think they make a good match" She stared back at her computer typing once more. "Are you going to tell her?" I asked her "Absolutely not" She responded immediately to me. I could see that she was already a bit tired so I made her a promise she could not resist.

-"Well how about this afternoon I take you shopping?" I told her with a smile on my face. She looked at me and returned the smile back. "Alright, thank you" She gave me a little kiss on the cheek returning to her work and me returning to my book.

The whole school day seemed to pass by quickly until it was time to go home. Surprisingly my parents were sitting in the kitchen having two sandwiches before my mother looked at me.

-"Oh hello darling, would you like a bite out of this?" She pointed to her plate where the sandwich was still untouched "No its fine mum thank you" I responded putting my bag down and going behind the kitchen aisle to grab a green apple from the fridge.

-"Oliver, we forgot to tell you this" My father began speaking. "We have been invited to avery special event this afternoon and you have been invited as well" He finished talking.

-"Well I have plans this afternoon" I began but my mother interrupted me "Sweetheart could you maybe reschedule them? It is very important that you attend" "I guess I could, is this some kind of work thing?" I asked hoping it wouldn't have been such a risk.

-"It actually is and you will be meeting some very important people tonight" . With that my father left the kitchen, went into the living room and ate his food there.

My mother got out of her seat and came closer to me "Thank you for doing this for us dear" She gave me a light kiss on my cheek as she went up to her room and so did I.

I got my phone out and said that I could not meet up later today because my parents had some important plans they had to worry about and I had to attend them. She immediately texted back and said it was fine and that something just occurred to her too and was actually going to text me saying she could not go.

Now that I got that sorted out I had to decide what I was wearing to this "special event" . My mother said it was very formal so I had to wear a suit. The only suitI had was from last year when I went with one of my friends to her prom dance.

I was guessing it was nice enough so that was it. My mother informed us that there was actually a theme for only black and white clothing. Fancy people and their rules
I thought to myself. I was in luck since the suit I had was a clean black suit.

My mother kept screaming the time we had left across the house while me and my father were already ready so I guess it was only for her sake.

Finally when my mother came to the entrance in a white dress a little higher than her knees and holding a black little purse to contrast we were finally ready to leave for this event.

You see, growing up I have always been told that my mother was "hot" or "very attractive" by my friends... yes, by my friends. Looking at pictures of her from the 80s and 90s I could agree that she was very pretty but hearing it in fourth grade at the playground was not really fun.

My parents had mentioned that I had to meet some very important people here so I didn't really know what to expect.

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