Chapter 25... Truth speaks

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~Her POV:~

"I wanted to ask you something," He said. "What?" I said him "I went on your instagram yesterday and one of your recent pictures was you wearing a black dress with white gloves and a black bow in your hair in what seemed to be a bathroom" He told me.

My heart was beating faster... I knew he was going to be there but I didn't expect him to find out what I was doing at the gala. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked, trying to hide my nerves.

"Then I went to one of my friends instagram post, it was the same bathroom and I met her two days ago when I told you I couldn't see you"

My hands started shaking even though I was wearing a hoodie, I knew exactly who he was talking about. Sofie Brown was a girl I met at last year's gala. This year me and my parents didn't go but not because they didn't invite us.

-"Was her name by any chance, Sofie?" I asked him "Uh.. yes but-" I cut him off

-"Did you hear gunshots later that afternoon?" I asked him again "Yes we did.."

-"And they took you and those other fifteen children including Sofie and a little fourteen year old girl to a house where they taught you to defend yourself and use guns" I said as I got up.

-"How do you know all that?" Oliver asked standing up as well "You don't know what your parents work is yet do you?" I said, smiling at him.

"No I don't" He said getting closer to me. "Well I do darling" I got closer to him with our faces close together.

I then reached out for my bag and got my gun. I pointed it at him "What the hell are you doing!?" He freaked out. "Stay quiet, do everything as I saw and if you do the opposite I will not hesitate to shoot this gun.

Do you know who I was yet? No? Well I'll tell you then.

My parents and Oliver's parents did work together but in a different type of job that normal parents don't do.

Me and my parents normally go to the annual gala every year but this year they asked me to do a different job.

I knew how to use a gun when I was ten years old and that's why me and Oliver havent seen eachother for six years specifically because of that.

I was the first kid to know that my parents were part of a highly dangerous society of people who are known to very few people.

I was the first kid that knew about it, did the training at the mansion but not just for one day but many months.

I knew Jenny like she was a second mother to me and all the guards. I knew how to use a gun, arrow, knife, dagger, and overall just know how to defend myself in a professional way.

They prepared me for anything that would want to interrupt our business.

With the help of more than thirty members of the association I became the youngest at the age of thirteen. I was the youngest of them all and fought with men over 40 years of age.

I mentioned that I was quite the actress growing up and that was because I was used as their distraction for many years.

Now what they work for is a company with assassins like a type of mafia but these people were even more dangerous.

They allowed you to join when you turn eighteen but I trained the most and the hardest.

The reason why I wasn't at the gala was because they asked me to be one of the "shooters" Everything was planned, the parents had to act and the gunshots were fake, the blood too of course.

But it wasn't only the seniors who were acting... It was also every single kid in the room who went with Oliver to the mansion and trained.

They knew about the association for longer, Oliver was the only one who didn't. They were just there to train. I knew all of them... Sofie Brown, Christine Jones, Jack and Finn Miller. The little ones were daring children.

Now does this mean I'm evil? Absolutely not.


But what Oliver didn't know was that his house was infected with the FBI who sneaked through the door.

This was one of my tasks that they informed me to do. I grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the side of his desk where we were hidden.

-"What the hell is going on?" He asked in a whisper, screaming tone. "Look I don't have the time to explain right now but all I need you to do is stay quiet and not get in the way" I said re loading my gun.

I was getting ready to shoot when they opened the door. I went slowly next to his window and checked if there was more security outside. Luckily I couldn't see anyone else. I went back to sitting next to Oliver.

-"Ok listen to me, when they open that door you will go directly to the window and jump" I looked him in the eyes. "Jump?" He looked at me with his eyes widened. "Grab whatever you may need now and do it carefully" I ordered.

He got up silently and grabbed his school bag, emptied all the books he had and put it on his bed then grabbed his computer and charger, his phone and his phone charger as well. He was sweet enough to even grab the box in his closet.

He got some hoodies which he quoted "I know they're your favorites" And some other stuff he had in his room. He zipped up the bag and went to the window ducking down with his bag in hand. I had the car keys in my pocket to get the car.

As soon as I heard footsteps I whispered to Oliver a "Get ready" And he nodded, opening the window slowly. As soon as those doors opened, gunshots were heard, I shot a few of the guys.

There were about six guys and I shot four of them. I held on one at gunpoint, he dropped his gun and stood still while I just hit the other with my heel. I always learned to wear heels at every mission, you never knew when you would have to use them.

While the one I hit fell to the floor unconscious I let the other one go threatening him. If he told someone about this, him and his family would be dead. And that 's my job!

I grabbed my bag and went down the window like Oliver did. He was waiting outside the car. "Get in the car" I told him as I opened the door. "Ok what was that!?" He shrieked.

I was starting the car as he spoke even louder.

-"Ok, Oliver it's all fine I just need you to get my phone and call Sophie" I told him while driving out of his street.

"Sofie? You know Sofie?" "God damn it Oliver, just get the phone!" I started to raise my voice "Ok, ok" He reached to get my bag which was at the back of the car.

-"Call Sofie and put it on speaker" I kept driving, looking at the road while he searched for my phone. With just one ring, she answered.

-"Hey where are you?"
-"Im sorry Sof it took me a bit more than I expected"
-"Look its fine but you have to get over here right now, were starting to train"
-"Yes now, you will have to meet with Ace at the front though"
-"Alright, I could be there in at least fifteen minutes"
-"Ok, I'll see you in a bit"

-"What?" Oliver asked. "Oliver it's a long story but right now we have to get you back to your parents and start your training"

-"Back to that mansion?" He asked. "Yes back to that mansion" I looked at him for a second before turning to the road. "You will explain this all to me right?" He asked once again.

-"It's not my place to tell you, your parents will tell you" I looked at the time,
fuck we were already running late

-"And you just know how to use a gun? And what about our project?" I couldn't believe this idiot "Oliver, you barely escaped FBI agents who want to kill you and your worried about a simple, stupid school project!" I started raising my voice. "That was a little tongue twister" He said jokingly.

-"OLIVER!" He turned to face me. "This is not a joke. This is real alright?" "Why are there people who want to kill me?" He asked.

-"It's not just you" I responded

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