Chapter 9... Mind sufferment

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I ran out of class to the locker rooms, everything was a blur. colors moved around and changed as well as objects.

I couldn't remember anything else, it all went black

I woke up in what felt like an eternity in a white room with my mother and father talking to someone. I assumed it was a hospital and then I saw weird things connected to my arms. I was right after all, it was a hospital but everything was still blurry and couldn't see very well. I recognized my mother and father walking towards me but I saw nothing but blurry shapes.

-"Darling, you're awake" I heard my mother say that by giving me a kiss on my forehead. "He still is not fully awake but maybe in an hour he will be, there is nothing to worry about Mr and Ms Necton" That was the nurse I guess that my parents were talking to.

I tried talking and I thought my parents couldn't even hear me but they did, "What happened to me? I was just in the locker room ''Oh sweetheart, you had an anxiety attack IN the locker room... is something stressing you out" I didn't know people could have an anxiety attack for just one person leaving the room. I just lied to them, "no." "Ok just get some rest then, I want you to be healthy for your game in a month but if you can't play then you won't go" That was one of the worst things my mother could say, I was looking forward to that day so much.

The nurse came back in the room but my vision was still blurry, "Mr Oliver Necton? Someones here to see you" She opened the door more and of course SHE was there. It's like everywhere I go she would always show up, even though my vision was blurry I heard her speak and that's how I knew who it was. "Is he doing alright?" She asked my mother "He can't see, everything is just a shape for him" My mother responded. "Can he hear?" I know that I liked her a few days ago but how dumb can someone be to ask that question.

-"Yes he can, the nurse said it's important for him to get enough rest" My mother said once again, I had a feeling she was looking at me. "We have to leave for a meeting, I am so sorry dear but do you think you have time to stay a bit with him?" My father asked. I honestly wouldn't mind spending a bit of time with her. "Yeah for sure, it's completely fine" She said "Thank you darling, thank you so much" My mother got her purse, gave me a hug and walked out with my father.

When they shut the door, the nurse said to her "If one of you needs anything, please call us" She replied with a "Thank you so much" When the nurse left the room, she looked at me, then I asked her "How long have I been here?" "For a week I think" I was shocked. She continued talking "One of the guys from the football team found you on the floor in the lockers after class, and when the ambulance came they sent us all home" It was great hearing her voice again, I actually really missed her.

I had to say sorry, "Look, I am really sorry for what I did at the party" I wanted to continue talking but she stopped me, "Oliver you don't have to say sorry. I realized that it was my fault, I dont have the right to say who you can kiss and who not to... We aren't even dating. I don't know why I got so mad" She finally agreed with me. I was so happy.

-"It would honestly not be so bad if we were," I finally said. My vision was getting better but I saw her getting closer to me and kissing me. She then backed away and held my hand. "I don't know what I just did or if we were dating" I confessed, her little laugh came out "Yeah we are" I melted, my wish finally came true.
I was so incredibly happy, I didn't know what to say or how to feel. I mean, she was actually my girlfriend. The most amazing, gorgeous girl in the whole world was mine.

After a few minutes of talking, she got a phone call from someone who I couldn't see who it was, she got up from her seat and went near the door but not leaving the room. I did hear the conversation

Are you ready to leave?
No, I'm still at the hospital and I think I have to cancel
¡Absolutely not! You are gonna be with me
Could you please just let me this once
No! I have had enough of you and this stupid attitude you have been showing me
Please, he can't even see. He's almost blind for a week!
Then in a week you can go and see him again and he will see you
Can you please just this one time let me stay here
¡Absolutely not! As your futu-

The talking then stopped and I saw her getting closer to me. "Sorry sweetheart" She held my hand once again. I was so confused on who called her and why he was saying all that stuff that she had to be somewhere with some guy. I actually don't know if it was a guy or a girl but the voice sounded really manly.

-"Could I maybe ask you who that was?" I said "No one you need to worry about, trust me" She told me. I also really wanted to ask her about that blonde friend of hers who sort of caused all this. "Who was that blonde girl from the first day of school? You talked to her while walking out of first period?" I looked at her blurry-typeface. "She's a friend of mine from when we were kids and she just moved from a different school" "Well I don't think she really liked me" I said. "Oh darling! no, no" "Yes, yes, yes. She did not like me at all and I didnt even know her since that day"

-"It was her first day and she just knew about you because I told her but please don't say that" She held my hand even more then gave me a light kiss. "I will give her another chance but only 'cause I like you a lot" I said.
"Ok, thank you! I need to go to the restroom but do you need anything like food or a drink?" She said getting up from his seat. "Just a drink, thank you" I said getting up. I had been awake since this morning and my parents told me that I was unconscious for a week.

I had almost lost my sight and my doctors told me that it would be another week till I get it back for sure and one good thing is that they said I would have better eyesight than before. I don't get to see my parents for a very long time but luckily I just got the best girlfriend in the whole entire world. Just then she entered the room with a bottle of water and gave it to me sitting down again. "I was just thinking about you," I said as she gave me the bottle. "Well I hope it was not in a bad way" She said laughing "No no, I could never do that to you" I said taking a sip.

Something in her voice seemed off about her, I knew her too well to not know if something was wrong. "Is everything alright?" I asked her, "Oliver... no it's not'' She said "One of the worst things has happened to me and I don't know what to do'' She started crying, I wanted to give her a hug and help her but I couldn't even move too much. "What 's wrong? Please don't cry"

-"No, I'm fine. Everything is fine" I knew she was not ok, I mean it was so clear. "Can you make me a promise?" She asked me "Anything, just please tell me so I can help you" I told her. "Well... when I was little my parents always told me that I would end up with you but when they found out about you and what happened they told me that they couldn't risk anything for your health or mine" She started to cry again.
"They found this 88 year old guy who has a lot of money so that when he dies our family could have his will.

Confusión and sadness flooded my brain. I couldn't believe what I just heard... My girlfriend's parents said that she could get married to me when we're older but when I had fainted a week ago, she had to get married to a random 88 year old guy who is about to die!? I didn't know her parents were such monsters to her.
Forcing your daughter to marry a guy 71 years older than her is not okay and especially for money.

-" Is there a way that you could get out of this situation?" I asked her "No, no way out" She said while looking at the floor. Just when I was about to talk I was cut off by another ring from her phone indicating it was an incoming call from someone. This time she picked up the phone by staying in her place and not moving.
I couldn't hear the conversation. Instead I heard muffled shouting, She didn't say anything at all instead just had a straight face.

After a few more seconds she hung up and got up from her seat. She got her bag and walked over to me again, "Im sorry sweetheart but I have to go" She said following the sentence with a soft brush against my lips. "Bye" I finished saying as she walked out the room. My eyesight was getting much better, doctors came in often for me to take eye tests to see how my eyes were doing.
The nurses said it would be at least a week that I would be in the hospital but it had been 4 days already so I think it would be a while longer.

For the next few days all I ate was yogurt and mashed potatoes that tasted like baby food, then I had one tiny piece of dark chocolate that I didn't even like. The only chocolate I did like was the milk one, better than dark and MUCH better than white.

More days have passed and I havent heard anything about my own girlfriend or my parents nor anyone from my family. I didn't know it would get this bad for me not to speak to my mother or my father. 11 more days had past and still didn't talk to anyone except doctors and nurses so all I heard was "Don't worry Oliver, It will all be fine" or "Your parents will talk to you soon enough"
Since all I did was sleep, eat and talk to doctors, I told them about some issues with my parents and the fact that I haven't heard about them in almost 2 weeks.

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