Chapter 10... Blood stained Dress

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~Her pov:~

I stayed in my room till some people came in with my wedding dress. It was the worst day of my life, I wanted to cry my eyes out for the rest of my life. As a little girl I always imagined this day being much happier, at a right age and with someone I truly love like Oliver. I hated this so much.
I don't want to leave this room for eternity.

Soon enough my mother came in and told me to put on the dress since my hair and makeup were already done but I messed most of it up by crying for 2 hours, luckily I fixed it with more mascara. The dress was hideous and gorgeous at the same time, the bodice was fully covered including my arms and my neck with lace. The skirt was the best part with a very nice trail, it was the only good part.

Where I was getting married was an ugly little chapel. Again something that I never thought would happen as a child. I had my dress on and ready to walk the aisle, my mother and father left before the wedding so I was going through this alone. Only his family was going to be there and none of mine.

While walking down the almost broken walls I could see the man's smirk looking me up and down. It disgusted me, I wanted to throw up at the thought of kissing him.
When I got to the front all I could think about was Oliver and how he must still be at the hospital waiting for me or his parents since I knew they were on a business trip.
I wanted to see him so badly that it physically hurt me just imagining his face.

Just as I zoned back into reality, I realized that I already got married, there were claps as I looked around me walking down the aisle once again.
I was in my room getting the dress off and yes that was all the ceremony, really dumb but I could finally take that horrendous gown off. As I got into regular clothes, I looked over to my dresser and saw a surprisingly sharp and shiny knife.

A brilliant idea appeared to me.

I grabbed the cold knife and dug it straight to the bodice of my wedding dress. I got rid of that bad, cheap lace and cut parts of the train and back of my dress.
I got so much happier and released my anger for what happened. There were cut pieces of fabric on the floor and a brand new better dress that I suddenly got another idea from. I put the new wedding dress back on and grabbed the knife from the floor.

I already knew a better way of getting that money sooner...

I walked over to my "husband's" room to pay him a little visit, I opened the door and according to what I was expecting.. he was asleep. I got the knife and slit his neck open right in the middle of his throat, "What's that you said, seems i can't hear you huh?" while he was gasping desperately for air. I said. quick and painful. Blood came pouring out but no one was around so I could successfully clean the knife so they couldn't find any fingerprints, they could never know where he went...

I layed the body on the floor and cleaned the blood a little. I hid the knife and left the room running to mine.

If they see the body on the floor then they would think that someone killed him and left and then I would look like the innocent new wife who would be desperately sad who would never recover from her husband's tragic death.

Guess I'm going on a shopping spree after his funeral.

My hands were all stained in blood including my dress and my face so I cleaned them up and I even washed my dress and threw it away. I put on an extra sweater and some leggings that I had in my bag that I brought.

I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that someone would soon walk in and see him dead on the floor. My plan was coming along as one of the people who helped me get ready walked in and told me that they found him dead. Growing up I became quit an actress as I repeatedly lied to my parents about sneaking out, having something or even wanting something I "couldn't get"

I looked up at the makeup artist as she told me the "sad, tragic news" I wanted to burst out laughing at her face because she thought I was going to be heartbroken at the news.
"Sweetheart, someone just found your husband dead in his room"
"No... It has to be wrong, he can't be dead!"
"Darling I'm so sorry, but he is.. The police and ambulance are on their way right now"
I started crying as she hugged me, I fell to my knees and started crying even more. I was almost crying of happiness. "It will all be ok, YOU will be ok" She said looking at me and giving me another hug.

She left the room a little after. I wiped the tears off from my face and grinned at the closed door. This went from the worst day of my life to the best. Now all I will have would be stacks and stacks of money around me for myself. Not even for my parents

~His pov:~

I woke up the next day, my sight was completely healed. I pressed a button for the doctor to come. They got my breakfast and did even more eye tests on me but after an hour or two they finally told me that I could get out of the hospital.
The worst thing was that I didn't know where my girlfriend was or my parents.
The Doctors let me go after I got dressed and could safely go back to my house.

As I got into the uber, I thought about what she told me told me and that she was getting married, she rushed out of the room after that and I didnt know when she was I did know that he was old but the idea of an old man being married to my girlfriend just because her parents said so and I went into a comma I dont think its very fair. As I zoned back into reality, the uber driver was pulling up to my driveway.

I got out of the car and headed straight to my bedroom, got changed and went to the kitchen for some good food. All they gave me at the hospital was weird food that did not taste very good. I got some chips from the top shelves when I looked at the flour bag. I remembered the time she was at my house and we just threw flour at each other saying we were going to bake a cake.

I grabbed the chips and ran to my room. It was already 5:00pm when I finally decided to go outside and play basketball. I went to the court to play for a few hours until the sun was completely down.
Just when I was about to leave I saw that disgusting freak, Adrielle. That blonde haired girl who made me flirt with her on our first day of school two weeks ago. I hated her but I couldn't really hate her. My girlfriend MY girlfriend was her best friend. "I didn't know you played basketball" She asked, walking closer to me smirking "What do you want Adrielle?" I was already annoyed, I didn't need her drama right now.

-"What's wrong darling? Are you not excited to see me?" She asked me as she was right against my body. I pushed her away. "Don't call me darling" I raised my voice a little "What's wrong with you?" What's wrong with me? This girl is a joke to society at this point.
"I have a girlfriend who happens to be your best friend and you were one of the reasons I was sent to the hospital so congratulations. You don't have to talk to me" "Wow you clearly don't know her at all do you?" I turned around to look at her, "What?"
"Your so-called girlfriend was at her wedding today, did you know that? Did you know that she is trying her best to get out of this? Did you know that this wedding has been planned since we were 6? Did you know that your so-called girlfriend has been seeing someone else for the past eight months?"

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