Chapter 30... School Memories

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I woke up the next day by Daniela whining "Oliver wake uppp" Like a little kid wanting candy. I opened one eye before responding "It's too early, five more minutes" I covered myself with the bed sheet. "Ok that's it" Daniela grabbed my foot, dragging me out of bed.

-"Daniela!" I tried grabbing on the pillows but it was no use. I was on the floor still sleepy. "We have to get ready for school in forty minutes. My eyes felt really heavy but I was able to open them, seeing Jaxon egt up from his bed with the messiest hair I have ever seen.

I got up from the floor and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and then changed into some clothes I had. Brushed my hair and went out.

Jaxon looked ready, sitting on his bed on his phone. "Where 's Daniela?" I asked. "She's straightening her hair," He said looking up at me. We then heard a scream from the bathroom. Our heads turned to her bathroom door.

Daniela then came out of her bathroom with her hair looking silky clean. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Is that a hickey on your neck?" Jaxon said getting up. "No.. I just burned myself with my hair straightener" She was on the verge of tears.

-"Don't you want to put some ice on that?" I asked her, grabbing my bag as she grabbed her purse. "No, I'll be fine" She walked out of the room. Me and Jaxon followed her. Christine was already downstairs with Jack and Finn.

More people came downstairs with their bags ready to leave the house. Sophie walked in the living room where we all were with Ace. "Good morning everyone" Ace sat down on one of the couches. "Sofie will be taking you all to school" He said looking tired.

-"The middle schoolers are going with Ace so get up and move '' Sofie looked at Ace furious. He got up and grabbed his car keys. There were just six kids who were going with Ace and the rest of us were going with Sofie.

We all went outside and we were taking a giant van. Sofie was driving and since Christine was her favorite, she got a shotgun. Daniela, Jaxon and I were behind them and the rest were at the back.

In rows of three, everyone was talking and arguing. I could hear things such as

"Why am I stuck in the backseat?"
"Shut up! No one asked ''
''Can we turn on the music?"
"Can we go back to bed?"

It kept going on and on and on. Everyone kept talking until Sofie parked the van. We all got off and she said "Now just a few ground rules" She began speaking. "We all have to act like normal human beings" She said smiling.

-"Just go to the front desk for your classes" She walked away, going inside. We all got our first classes. Mine was math, I had it with some people from group B but no one else.

I sat at the back waiting for the teacher to enter the class. "Good Morning class" I heard a grumpy voice enter the class. It was a 6'1 male teacher with a half unbuttoned shirt and jeans. I looked around the class, all the girls were whispering and smiling.

I guess he was the hot teacher. "Before we begin I would like to say we have four new students in class today. Oliver, Amy and Fiona" He read our names off a paper. "Welcome to the school guys" He said with a friendly smile.

Time flew by class when we were already done. We had break. I entered the cafeteria and Sofie was already sitting down with Christine. I headed over to their table and sat next to them.

-"How did your first class go?" Sofie asked me, taking a bite out of her apple. "Fine, I just don't like math" I responded, rubbing my eye.

-"I don't like math either, my math teacher failed me more than once" She took another bite of her apple. "How did you fail multiple times?" I asked looking at her confused "I'm not good in math" She responded looking down.

-"So how did you still pass the class?" I asked. "Just a little extra credit" She said smiling then winking at me. "Sofie!" I threw a little piece of bread at her. "Relax, I was only joking" She laughed throwing the bread back at me.

Later on, Jack and Finn joined our table sitting down next to Christine. A guy came up to our table and started speaking to Sofie. "Why didn't you call me back?" That was the first thing he said to her. "I had a lot to do," Sofie responded not looking at him.

-"Not looking at someone's eyes when speaking to them is rude, princess" He said, lifting her chin. She pushed his hand away looking up to him before standing up. "I had a lot to do," She said again. The guy looked around our table before saying "Who are these people?" He asked.

-"They're new and they are my cousins," Sofie said lying. We all went along with it and nodded softly. Jack looked down at his food while Christine looked furious with how he was talking to Sofie.

I whispered to her. "Christine" I signaled to her food. She grabbed her fork and started eating the food on her plate. "I will text you just not now" Sofie sat back down as the guy walked away angrily.

-"Who was that?" Finn Asked. "Just some stupid guy who thinks were dating" She ate a cookie off her plate. "Are you ok though?" I asked her. "Yeah, everything is fine," She said with a reassuring smile. The bell rang and we all grabbed our bags and left the cafeteria.

My next classes were just Art, French, Spanish and Science. We all met outside so Sofie could take us back home. The same conversations were heard.

"Why am I in the back?"
"Could you turn on the radio?"
"I'm so hungry!!"
"I hate this school already"

We got back just in time for lunch. Ace was standing right outside the door, he already picked up the other kids from middle school. "What's for lunch?" Sofie chewed her bubblegum and swung her keys while saying so.

-"I got a little call today from school" Ace examined all of us with his eyes.

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