Chapter 3... Couple of hoops

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After she left, I started eating my breakfast and after a few hours... I went to her house to drop off her clothes and when I knocked on her door, she opened it still wearing my clothes and I was honestly very surprised since I thought she would have taken them off by now.

-"Oh hey" She said. I just gave her the clothes I had right away, I didn't know why I was so nervous even though I had seen her a few hours ago. "I came here to give you your clothes like I said before" I said with a smile.

-"Oh thank you so much" She said, taking the clothes off my hands. She was such a sweet girl and I had known her for such a long time but it just felt surreal when I saw her the other day. "Would you like to come in?" She asked me. "Oh uh... yeah sure"
I said as she opened the door so I could get in. Her house looked the same when we were kids, it was like a flashback coming back from all the years we had been friends. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" She asked me to go into the kitchen. "No thanks... It's amazing seeing your house again" I said.

-"It was great seeing yours again yesterday to" She said with a glass of water in her hands. "Do you mind if I see your room?" I asked politely, it interested me to see how it was after all these years. "Oh uh, sure" She said with a smile going up the stairs.

When she opened her door, she had this amazing bed with lights on top and she had a game set up with even more lights and plants all over her room. It was so beautiful and amazing, she had a cooler room than me!

-"What do you think?" She asked me. "It 's amazing! I didn't know you were into gaming" I said.

-"Well I didn't know you were into basketball but after I saw your room... Well I thought otherwise" She said laughing. Once again, I practically melted hearing her sweet laugh, it made me so happy inside.

-"Would you maybe like to stay over?" She asked me. I felt that excitement and fear once again in my stomach, I had no idea what to say, the first thing that came to mind was thinking of what my friends would say.

-"Um, Oliver?" She said my name once again so I looked at her, she was sitting down on her bed with a blanket covered around her. "Yeah sorry, I just remembered something". That was the only thing I could have come up with? ¡Really!

-"So can you stay over? We could watch something?" She asked me. "Well we already watched something, how about we maybe play outside? I know you have a court outside '' I said smiling.

-"Ok, but I must warn you that I dont play and I'm not the best". "It's ok, I'll show you" I said when she turned back to face me and smiled one last time. She then took my hand and went downstairs, it was almost sunset and it was the best moment ever. The sun was amazing with all colors in the sky and when I looked at them, they reminded me of her.

There was a basketball on the ground so the first thing I did was teach her how to shoot a hoop. I gave her the ball and showed her how to. After a few minutes she was already really good.

-"Why don't you try to shoot one?" I asked her. "Alright". When She was about to get it, I decided to pull a prank and take it away.
She then looked at me with a sad face and just stood there looking at me. I dropped the ball and went to give her a hug and said "I'm so sorry". I went back to get the ball that I got and let her shoot it for sure. She still had the cute little sad face but she went my way running and gave me a hug out of nowhere. I hugged her back again.

-"Thank you."

Those two words formed a smile on my face so I held her closer to me. She then looked up at me with a sweet smile.

After she gave me the hug, I gave her the basket to shoot a hoop. She took it in her hands and attempted to shoot one but she failed, she looked at me with a cute sad face. She then went my way and gave me the basketball.

-"Why don't you just shoot it and teach me how to!" She said, I felt more comfortable talking to her and I liked the feeling of that, just like she said when I saw her at the park yesterday... She wanted to talk again like when we were kids and I wanted that too so bad.

-"Ok, so you just need to aim at the hoop and try and score one" I said, trying to help her. "Oh by the way, don't you have a game on saturday?" She asked me. And indeed I did. "Yeah I do, why?" I responded with the basketball in my hands. "Well I was just thinking of going there, do you think that would be ok?" She asked me.

-"Well I can't tell you to go or not but if you do, that would make me very happy" I said. "Well then in that case, I would adore going" She said moving more towards me. I smiled with joy as she smiled as well.

The moon above us was already out as it shined what it looked like brighter than the sun, although that was impossible... it felt real. The way she looked at me felt like she actually liked me back! But that would never happen...

-"So what day could you teach me a bit of basketball?" She said, still looking at me.

-"How about now? If you want". "I have enough time in the world" She said as she turned around snatching the ball from my hands. She wanted to tease me and she

knew that I knew. As she turned away I felt my heart beat slower, it was like I couldn't imagine my life without her and it was true! I couldn't... I want to be with her and spend my life with her until I die.

When she took the ball away from my hands she tried to score again but failed.. I walked right next to her, grabbed her hands and taught her the proper position she had to stand in to shoot one. After a bit of practicing, she finally got one in and I was so proud of her. "Did you see that?!" She said looking back at me with the happiest face ever. "I got one!" As she said that, she ran and jumped on me to give me a hug.

It was the best moment of my life! I was so happy for her. She then looked up at me and told me "I love you" I didn't even know what to say! I was so shocked but the worst part was that I didn't know what way she meant it! Ina friend way or in a date way? I was so confused!

It was now completely dark outside when she looked at me and said... "Do you want to stay over? I hate being alone at night" I of course said yes! I wasn't going to leave her alone.

She smiled happily at me, we were laying down on the floor looking at the stars... we tried to make sense out of them like everyone else says. After a few minutes, a drop landed on my forehead... It was raining! But just a bit so we ignored it and kept looking at the sky until it started to rain even harder.

We looked at each other as we were still laying on the ground knowing it was raining but pretended that it wasn't. As time passed it was officially a thunderstorm while it was raining, we were still laying on the ground as all our clothes and hair got wet as the water dropped more heavily.

We both realized that it was maybe best to go inside as it felt like it was going to snow. We both tried to go inside as fast as quickly but the floor was too slippery and we both fell as we tried to walk. We laughed so hard as we helped each other but fell again!

Eventually, we both made it inside and she went to go get a towel for us both as we still laughed, suddenly a light shined outside as if it was a flash of lighting, we both got scared for a second but then looked at each other once again and started laughing.

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