Chapter 1

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Ash was walking back from the grocery store, strolling in the Alola sun when a police car pulled up right next to him.

"Officer Jenny!" Ash greeted.

Jenny held bags under her eyes. "Have you seen my daughter?" She held up a picture of a girl with brown hair, her ends dyed purple, and turquoise eyes.

Ash shook his head. "Did something happen?"

Officer Jenny sighed. "She ran away, I've been searching for her all day."

"I'll help!" Ash said immediately.

Officer Jenny smiled fondly. "Thank you..."

The two spent a few hours sewrching all over the island, but Ash paused when he heard a voice from the beach.

"I got my ticket for the long way 'round, two bottle o' whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company, and I'm leavin' tomorrow, what do you say?" The voice sang. It was immpressive, almost professional.

He leaned over the railing, to see the spitting image of the photo Officer Jenny had shown him. She was sitting on the sand, an Eevee with a pink flower crown dancing along to her.

"When I'm gone... When I'm gone... You're gonna miss me when I'm gone! You're gonna miss me by my hair, you're gonna miss me everywhere..." The girl grabbed another flower and added to the crown.

"Oh, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone... When I'm gone... When I'm gone..." Eevee gazed up at the girl, dazzled. The girl smiled, and continued.

Ash snapped out his trance, and quickly called Officer Jenny over. "Is that her?"

Officer Jenny peered over, and her eyes grew fierce as she stomped down.

The girl continued singing, "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone! You're gonna miss me by my walk, you're gonna miss me by my talk, oh you're gonna miss me when I'm gone-"

She was immediately stopped when Officer Jenny picked up the Eevee. "Jenna Violet Junsar!" She demanded.

The girl's eyes turned from joyful to frightened and pained. "How many times do I have to tell you!? You're going to be a cop. Not a musician like your stupid father!"

The girl, who Ash soon realized was Jenna, flinched. "Why!? Why do you get to control my life!?"

"I'm you're mother! Don't talk back to me!"

"You're not a good mother! You won't even let me si-"


Jenna tumbled back, her cheek glowing red. Tears streamed down her face. "See!? This is exactly why I ran away!" She snatched the Eevee Officer Jenny had been holding and ran off. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

Ash was stunned. He soon saw Jenna pass by him, and called out, "Jenna, wait!"

But it was too late, she had ran into the forest close by.

Ash chased after her, calling out her name. "Jenna, Jenna!"

He found her in a clearing, sitting on a thick and sturdy branch. She was sniffing as tears rolled down, Eevee trying to comfort her. Her clothes were dirty, and Eevee's flower crown was in shreds.


Jenna peered down. "Lemme guess, Mom convinced you to come up and make me come down? Heh... That would be a great song..." She immediately started humming a little tune.

"I just wanna talk!" Ash called back.

Jenna swung to where she was hanging off the tree by her legs. "Really?"

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