Chapter 12

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Chloe and Jenna walked into the laboratory, to find and old lady talking to Ash and Goh.

"What's going on, lovebirds?" Jenna asked.

Ash and Goh blushed immediately. "W-we're not dating!"

"Come on! It's obvious!" Chloe cried. "Plus, look what Jenna found last night?"

Jenna held up her Rotom-phone, to reveal a video of Ash and Goh murmuring things in their sleep, mainly stuff about how they loved each other and thought each other smelled good.

Ash turned crimson, while Goh turned vermilion.

"W-well," Goh stuttered, holding up his Rotom-phone. "What about this which was taken a few days ago?"

"What the!? When'd that happen!?" Jenna shrieked. It was a picture of the two girls cuddling (episode 9).

Chloe blushed, laughing nervously.

"Anyway!" Jenna said. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh!" Ash smiled widely. "Opal here," He gestured to the old lady on the screen. "See, she's a gym leader in Galar. She's inviting us to her gym!"

"Leon had taken quite an interest in Ash," Opal explained. "Plus! The more, the merrier."

"So we can come!?" Jenna and Chloe begged.

"I don't see why not!" Opal smiled at the two girls.

"Yay!" The two exclaimed.


"When you said you wanted to go to Galar, I didn't know you meant the sweets..." Goh sighed.

"Last time we were here, I didn't get a chance!" Chloe informed.

"Plus, no matter how many times Leon has taken me to Galar, it's always just to watch him do some lame battle," Jenna sighed.

"You know Leon?" Everyone gasped.

"Huh?" Jenna looked at them weird. "Oh, right. He's my godfather! He was my dad's best friend, growing up."

Everyone stayed sent for a minute.

"What!?" Ash practically screamed.

"That's why he has purple hair," Jenna explained. "One time I accidentally dumped a bucket of purple paint on his head, and he thought it looked good. Pfft."

"Why did you have a bucket of purple paint?" Goh asked.

"I was decorating the living room at dad's house."

Goh nodded.

"Milcery!" Something spoke behind them.

They turned, to see a floating puddle like Pokémon.

"Woah," Goh held up his Rotom-phone. The Rotom-phone explained Milcery, then Milcery floated over to Goh's cupcake.

"You want a piece?" Goh asked, getting a dollop of cream onto a spoon. Milcery simply stared at the spoon.

"I think it wants the berry?" Ash suggested.

"Does it?" Goh asked, picking the berry off his cupcake. Milcery took it, delighted.

"Great! We're going to be the best of friends!" Goh cheered, spinning around happily.

After about 10 seconds or more, Milcery evolved into Alcremie.


Soon everyone reached the gym, and Jenna walked up too Raihan. "Hey."

"Oh, hey Jenna," He waved.

"You know him?" Chloe asked.

"He's been a long time rival of Leon," Jenna explained. "I've known him since I was like five."

"Didn't know you knew that ambitious kid," Riahan gestured to Ash.

"I know everybody!" Jenna crossed her arms.

There were footsteps behind her. "Jenna? Didn't know you'd be here, and with Ash of all people!"

"Leon!" Jenna smiled. "Meet my girlfriend!"

Chloe blushed. "You say that so casually..."

Leon chuckled and waved. "She can be... Rambunctious."

"Cannot!" Jenna demanded.

Opal cleared her throat. "I see Goh has already caught the perfect Pokémon for this challenge!"

"You mean Alcremie?"

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