Chapter 9

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Goh and Ash whispered outside Chloe's bedroom door. "It's unlike Chloe to sleep in! What's going on?"

"Maybe she was just really tired? Oh! Maybe Jenna hosted some party?" Ash smiled sheepishly.

"I doubt it..." Goh sighed. He then slowly opened the door. "Last time I barged in I got a bloody nose."

Instead of Chloe on her bed, the two boys found Chloe and Jenna curled up against one another, sound asleep.

Goh contained his squeal. Slowly he got his Rotom-phone and snapped a few pictures before grabbing Ash by the collar and fleeing.

Almost immediately after Chloe opened her eyes. "What's with all the ruckus..?" She murmured. She then looked at the brunette in front of her, who was snoring in the slightest way.

She immediately turned beet red, slowly getting up, trying not to awake the sleeping beauty. But her plans failed when Jenna's eyes fluttered open. She looked around for a little. "I thought I would of fallen off the bed."

"Hi," Chloe giggled, leaning over her.

"Mornin'" Jenna waved. She got up. "I guess I'll go get ready-"

"Wait! I'm gonna give you a totally new outfit!" Chloe cried.

"W-what!?" Jenna stuttered.

"Yeah!" Chloe giggled. "C'mon!"

"Eep!" Jenna cried.


Jenna was walking home with Chloe from school, when Ash and Goh ran up the concrete. "Chloe! Catch it!" Goh demanded, as a shiny Voltorb bounced.

Chloe freaked out. "W-what do I do!?"

"Duck!" Jenna cried, running away and carrying Chloe behind her.

"Poké-ball, go~!" Goh shrieked.

As the Poké-ball was thrown onto the Voltorb, Ash and Goh collided. Goh fell ontop of Ash, and the two toppled to the ground.

"Eek! I'm so sorry!" Goh stuttered, immediately getting off of Ash.

Ash looked at him, his eyes glittering. "So cute..."

Goh stared at him, his face becoming all the more red.

Goh's brand new shiny Voltorb hopped out of it's ball, as a man came tumbling across the street. "Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful-!"

"Wait, don't-!" Jenna cried, but it was too late. The man grabbed the round Pokémon, as it exploded catching everyone's attention.

"I'm so sorry!" The man bowed slightly. He then got up, talking while he smoothed down his hair. "That royal blue, though... It's as if it was speaking to me! I'm Abel, a blue Pokémon fanatic!"

"Blue what?" Chloe sighed, unimpressed.

"Does... That mean you're attracted to blue Pokémon?" Goh shrugged.

"You bet it does! Meet my partner, Dewott!" He gestured towards the Pokémon next to him.

"Dew! Dew!"

"It is very blue..." Jenna sighed. "Well, I'm Jenna. And this is my partner Espeon."


"I'm Chloe," Chloe greeted.


"And I'm Ash! This is my partner Pikachu."


"And I'm Goh!" Goh smiled.

"Grook! Ey!"

"Nice to meet you all! Say, wouldn't you like to be blue Pokémon fanatics with me, just for a day?" Abel asked.

"Are you serious?" Jenna and Chloe said at the same time.

"Sounds fun!" Ash cheered. "Please~! Do it with me!"

Everyone eventually agreed.

"Alright, then! I have the list. First, is the museum!" He said, scrolling down a very long list.

"This is gonna be a long day..." Jenna sighed.

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