Bonus: Team Rocket!?

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The gang heard a knock on the door. When they opened it, they were surprised to see Jessie and James, in civilian clothes,

"Team Rocket!?" Ash immediately got in a defensive manner.

They sighed. "We left Team Rocket..." James muttered.

Jenna jumped in the air, happily. "Finally! Congrats! We have to throw a party!"

"Wait, Jenna," Chloe calmed her girlfriend down. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Just get Meowth..." Jessie stated.

"Meowth!" Chloe called, as the bipedal cat-like Pokémon entered.

"What're they doing here!?" Meowth gasped, as he saw him old co-workers.

"Nice to see you again!" James waved.

"They don't believe us, saying that we left Team Rocket," Jessie cut to the chase. "I'm telling the truth, right?"

"Well, your right ear ain't twitching like it does... So it's the truth! Wow!" Meowth said.

"I knew it! Told you, Chloe!" Jenna laughed, proud of herself.

Jessie held up a bag. "Anyhow, we brought our uniforms. We were gonna burn them, bit James suggested you might want to join."

Jenna and Ash grinned at each other. "Can we try something first?"

"Sure?" James shrugged, curious at what they were planning.

Jenna and Ash grabbed a bag, rushing into a room. There were comments like, "This is your shirt!" And "This is going to be so fun!"


Everyone waited around, until Jenna and Ash came out in a puff of smoke.

"Prepare for trouble!" Jenna stated.

"And make it double!" Ash cheered.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Meowth, who couldn't resist, jumped in. "Meowth! That's right!"

Everyone stared at them dumbfounded. Jenna and Ash had changed into the Team Rocket uniforms, then did the classic motto.

"Was it always that cheesy when we did it!?" Jessie retorted.

"Pretty much," Ash shrugged.

"How embarrassing... And to think we did that for so long!" James sighed.

Chloe's face was bright red. "Ugh, Chloe, are you alright?" Goh asked.

"That shirt is way too short!" Chloe stuttered.

"What? Never seen me in a crop-top before?" Jenna giggled.

"Anyway, I'm changing out of this. This shirt is so thick!" Ash complained, ripping the shirt off.

Now it was Goh's turn to go red. "A-ash! Not in from of everyone!"

"Don't worry! I'm a boy," Ash shrugged.

"Me, on the other hand... See you!" She rushed back into the room, Ash quickly following, so he could change his pants.


Jenna roasted smores of the fire. "Hmm, nothing like fresh fabric burning alive..."

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