Chapter 4

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(Those eyes are just traced and they looks so bad on my OC with that style lol)

Hi, Korrina!" Ash and Goh greeted.

"Welcome to the Shalour City gym! I don't think you've been here before, Goh?" Korrina asked.

Goh shook his head. "I'm surprised how big this place is... It's like a castle!"

"Well, me, my cousin, and grandfather do live here, so it needs to be big enough for a home and gym!"

"Your cousin?" Ash asked. "I didn't know you had a cousin who lived in the gym!"

"Of course!" Korrina smiled. "Jenna!"

Ash immediately turned stiff. Is it her? I completely forgot about her!

A girl with brown hair zoomed down the staircase, in purple roller skates. "Yeah, cous?"

"I want you to meet Ash and Goh, researchers at-"

"Ash!?" The Jenna gasped, as she hopped down.

"Jenna! It's great to see you!" The two smiled widely at eachother.

"You know each other..?" Korrina stared at the two.

"Remember that kid I was telling you about, the one I met when my mom did the incident?" Jenna asked.

"That was Ash!?" Korrina gasped.

"Exactly!" Jenna giggled.

"Wait, but you two look nothing alike! You two can't be biologically-"

Korrina and Jenna smiled at each other mischievously. "You see," Jenna rolled away, returning with a corkboard that looked like a sort of family tree.

"We thought that too! So..." Korrina cleared her throat. "Her dad got the DNA from our grandmother, who then Jenna got the DNA from him. My mom got the DNA from our grandfather, so then I got the DNA from her!"

"I guess that make some sense..." Goh shrugged.

"Great! How, whatcha doing here?" Jenna put her hands on her hips.

"Well, remember that Riolu you battled?" Ash looked at Korrina.

Korrina nodded.

"Well, he evolved into Lucario! I wanted to see if maybe we could mega evolve him?"

Jenna's eyes twinkled. "Can I get one too!? You guys have been holding it back for so long!"

Gurkinn sighed. "Very well... But you must practice before, we don't want you going... You know..."

"Huh?" Ash and Goh tilted there heads in curiosity.

"Oh," Jenna turned to them. "You see... My Lucario says I have the aura of a Pokémon! Even Korrina's Lucario says so. So, they're afriad that I might go berzerk like Korrina's Lucario did."

"The aura of a Pokémon!? Cool!" Ash gasped.

"Mhm!" Jenna said. "All aboard, too Mega Island!"

"Mega Island?" Goh asked.

"It's an island that was recently discovered," Korrina explained. "Apparently, it has a whole loads of Mega Stones!"

"Wait," Gurkinn butted in. "First, we must get these two Key Stones."

"Oops! Totally forgot. I'll go get some! Fingerless gloves, right?" Korrina asked, as she skated into a room.

"Yep!" Ash and Jenna said. They looked at each other, and chuckled.

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