Season 2 Chapter 2

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Everyone comforted Dawn, who was practically bawling. She then wiped away her tears, giving them a wobbly smile. "N-no need to worry! You shouldn't be here comforting me... We should be looking for Piplup!"

"Are you sure?" Chloe reassured.

Dawn nodded.

"Did you see who the person looked like?" Goh asked.

"The thing is..." Dawn revealed. "I took him! She looked exactly like me, sounded like me, everything!"

"Really!?" Ash gasped.

Dawn nodded, shakily. "I-I don't know how or why... Some portal opened up, and some... Copy of me hopped out and took Piplup!"

"Portal!?" Goh said, in amazement.


A portal opened up, and Team Rocket flew out. Flew? They had on metal like armor, that came with what seemed to be a jetpack.

Lucario and Flygon were trapped under a net. Classic Team Rocket.

"Hey! Let our Pokémon go!" Ash demanded.

"Not in your life!" The periwinkle haired and emerald eyed James hollered back, before him, a pink-haired and ultramarine eyed Jessie, and another talking Meowth flew through the portal, as the net was dragged behind them.

"A portal! Piplup!" Dawn practically screamed, diving through the portal.

"Flygon! Hold on!" Goh cried, belly-flopping onto the ground outside the portal, before the portal swooped shut.

"Dawn!?" Chloe gasped.

"Goh!" Ash sniffed. "What do we do!? My boyfriend just dove head-first into some portal to who knows where, Lucario is gone, and- Argh!"

"Ash! You're rambling!" Chloe rattled Ash by the shoulders, as his hat bobbed up and down.

"Then what do we do!?" Ash cried.

"We-" She froze.

"Find Dialga and Palkia. They're fighting..."

"They're using there powers, unleashing them into other worlds."

"We go to the library," Chloe said. "This probably involves Dialga and Palkia."

"How do you know that?" Ash looked at her upon curiosity.

"Because I do! I actually go to school, remember?" Chloe pointed out.

"So? I've met more legendaries!" Ash shot back.

"Let's just go to the library!" Chloe dragged him by the upper-arm. "We need to do more research on them."


"Cynthia!?" Ash cheered, as the blonde champion walked up to the raven-haired child. "What're you doing here?"

Cynthia chuckled, amused by the boy. "I came here to do some research..."

"Really!? Me too?" Ash smiled widely.

Chloe walked up to Ash, confused by the boy's actions. "Ash? What's going on?"

"Chloe!" Ash yelped, surprised at her sneaking up behind him. "This is a Cynthia! She's the Sinnoh Champion."

"I'm... Not surprised you'rs friends with the champion," Chloe shrugged. "Anyway, I'm Chloe."

"What are you doing here? I know Ash isn't the studying type... Unless it's something important," Cynthia questioned.

Chloe chuckled lightly, as Ash glared at the blonde champion. "We're researching about Palkia and Dialga. I think they're somehow connected to all the kidnappings going on."

Cynthia nodded. "I was thinking along the same lines... You see, Palkia can open portals to other worlds..."

"Like the one Dawn was talking about!" Ash butted in.

"Yes... And I'm worried that the two are fighting, and maybe they're somehow involved in what's going on..." Cynthia continued.

"That makes sense... Wait, so dose that mean Team Rocket was from the other world..?" Chloe asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised- Wait, Team Rocket?" Cynthia gasped when Chloe nodded. "They're everywhere..."


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