Chapter 10

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As Abel dreamed about a Brionne, a different man snuck up behind him. "Obviously not!"

"Eek!" Abel gasped. He turned around. "Blutus!?"

"Are you kidding me, another?" Jenna sighed.

"Quit fantasizing your own dreams into this Brionne!" And then the man, now known as Blutus, began to explain something about Brionne wanting to become stronger. "-And then, at the end of her journey, she'll evolve in-"

"What!? No! That is way too much dark blue! She'd be better off in Brionne blue!"

"Premarina is a beautiful shade of blue!" Blutus defended. He then turned to Chloe. "Well, what do you think?"

"H-huh?" Chloe stuttered.

"You're wearing blue. You're obviously a blue Pokéman fanatic!" Blutus shrugged.

"W-what!? This is a standard school uniform!" Chloe insisted.

"Hey, leave my girlfriend out of this!" Jenna said, getting in front of Chloe.

Blutus gasped. "Y-you're..." He turned to Abel, furious. "You're hanging out with a purple Pokémon fanatic!?"

"Wait, what?" Jenna face-palmed.

"You're wearing so much purple! Plus, your Espeon is obviously purple!" Blutus shrieked.

"Isn't Espeon pink, though?" Abel questioned.

"What- You think it's pink!?" Blutus gasped.

"It's lilac. End of discussion. And I'm not a purple Pokémon fanatic. I just look good in purple. Ok? I look better in purple than you do in blue," Jenna smirked.

"How dare yo-"

"Oh ho ho!" A feminine voice laughed behind them. "Quit your bickering! Wouldn't you rather have a picture with the most glorious Pokémon on Earth?"

Everyone turned to see two women with a Wobbafett.

"I..." Jenna said, suspiciously. But she was interrupted when Blutus and Abel trampled over her. Chloe helped her up, as the two practically fangirled over Wobbafett.

Wobbafett was overloaded, and ran away frightened.

"Oh, Wobbafett, dear," The pink haired woman laughed nervously. "Come back!" She chased after Wobbafett, the periwinkle haired woman following shortly after.


"Ugh! Why does he have to ruin everything!?" Abel cried.

"Do I seriously look obsessed with purple Pokémon!? I just like purple! I'm not crazy!" Jenna ranted on.

They stopped in front of a café.

Everyone went inside, but Jenna was immediately stopped. "No purple Pokémon fanatics allowed!"

Jenna's left eye twitched. "Are you kidding me!?" She shrieked, as the door shut on her.

"Don't worry!" A familiar voice said behind her.

She turned around, to see the two women -now a woman and a man- in front of her, in what seemed to be a uniform.

"Who on Earth..?" Jenna said.

The two did what seemed to be like a very long motto, and introduced themselves as Jessie and James.

"You've been around that twerp a lot, haven't you? The one with the Pikachu?" James asked.

"Ash? Yeah, I guess. He's like a brother to me!" Jenna shrugged.

"Hmm, you're not becoming a twerpette, are you?" Jessie said.

"Twerpette?" Jenna said.

"Anyway, I bet if we get her we can convince the twerp to handover Pikachu in exchange for her!" James laughed.

"Brilliant idea!" She grabbed a Poké-ball. "Butterfree! Sleep powder!"

"W-what!?" Jenna gasped, as her head became woozy. She dropped to the ground, unconscious, and Jessie and James dragged her away just as everyone came out.

"Once again, ruined! I don't even remember what it taste like!" Abel whined.

"Jenna?" Chloe asked immediately, looking around.

Ash' Rotom-phone dinged. "A message from Jenna... 'Hey! I decided to go home after everyone assuming I'm a purple Pokémon fanatic. Tell everyone else I'll see them later!'"

"That's not like her!" Chloe grabbed his phone.

"H-hey!" Ash hissed.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Goh interrupted the bickering.

"She would have at least mentioned my name! You know how obsessed she is of our relationship! Plus, she would've texted me, ending with 'Cuddle ya later!'"

"You... Know her a lot, don't you?" Abel asked.

"She's my girlfriend, and I'm very observant! Of course, I watch her every movement!"

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