Season 2 Chapter 5

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Chloe was writing in her notebook, when the doorbell rang.

Goh and Ash were currently cuddling, while watching one of Leon's battles on TV. He had just recently started battling again.

When Chloe opened the door, a voice rang through her head.

"Hey, Chlo! Miss me much?" Jenna waved, with a cheeky smile.

"Jenna!?" What are you doing here!?" Chloe gasped, tears streaming down her face.

"Jenna!?" Ash and Goh gasped, as everyone tackled Jenna to the ground.

"I'm going to die again if you do that!" Jenna shrieked, as everyone scrambled off of Jenna.

"How are you here!?" Goh demanded.

"Well, remember that belt thingy over my waist?" Everyone nodded. "Well, apparently Arceus told me that most Aura Guardian's would have actually died from that. Like... Die again, I guess. It's hard to explain. But Arceus granted me a second chance in life, realizing that I may be reckless, but my aura is just as strong as Ash's!"

Everyone nodded, still slightly confused.

§Time skip 10 years because I can§

Jenna and Ash looked at each other, grabbing Poké-balls and carefully put them in their pockets. "Ready?" Jenna ask, nudging Ash.

"Of course! Double date, here we come!" Ash cheered.

They met Chloe and Goh at Alcremie's Delight, the same place that Goh had caught his Alcremie.

They ordered some desserts, Jenna and Chloe getting danishes to share while Goh and Ash each got their own cupcake but a milkshake to share together.

While waiting for there food, they chatted.

"So, what's the future look like for you, Chlo?" Jenna asked.

"I don't know. Probably still a performer, but definitely with you," Chloe winked at Jenna, pecking her cheek.

"What about you, Goh-Goh?" Ash questioned.

"First, stop calling me that," Goh started. "But definitely still trying to catch Mew. I can't believe I saw it that one time!" Goh's eye glimmered. "And I know you'll be battling him when you meet him. Won't you?"

"It'll look great on my résumé..." Ash shrugged.

After everyone ate, Jenna and Ash stood up.

"Where are you going?" Goh and Chloe asked.

Jenna and Ash yanked up there partners, forcing them to stand up.

"What'a going on!?"



"You've given me nothing but happiness, ever since we were thirteen years old. Chlo, I love you. I want you to be my everything, and I hope you feel the same. I want everyone to know your mine, no matter who, or when!"

"Goh, your determination and cheekiness could never be replaced by anyone in my heart, and I know you feel the same about me. I want to expand our love beyond the solar system!"

Jenna and Ash glanced at each other, before reaching into their pockets. "So..."

They each took a deep breathe in sync. The bent down, opwning the Poké-ball's that each contained a ring. "Will you marry me..?"

Goh and Chloe gasped, taking in a sharp breathe. Tears formed in the corners of there eyes, and they said in sync, "Yes!"

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