Chapter 13

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"I choose you!" Jenna cheered, bending down to an orange Alcremie. It twirled around in delight.

Everyone got to their stations, and began. As Jenna's Alcremie created some cream, it hummed a little tune.

"You know that song!?" Jenna asked, immediately recognizing the song.

Alcremie nodded cheerfully.

"You want to sing it together?" Jenna asked.

"Al! Crem!" Alcremie cheered.

"Mayday, mayday... The ship is slowly sinking..." She started spreading around the orange frosting. "They think I'm crazy, but they don't know the feeling..."

Lucario handed her some fruit and decorations, not wanting to interrupt Jenna. He knew how much she missed singing.

"They're all around me, circling like vultures... They wanna break me, and wash away my colors! Wash away my colors!" She started using the fruit's juice and blending it in to the cream to create a sunset on the top of the cake.

"Take, me, high, and I'll sing! Oh, you make, everything okay! Okay! Okay!"

"Al! Crem! Al! Crem! Al! Crem!" Alcremie sang along.

"We are one and the same, oh you take all of the pain away, away, away!"

"Al! Crem! Al! Crem! Al! Crem!"

Jenna plopped some black juice to substitute as a bird, as the finished the chorus. "Save me, if I become... My demons!"

"Al crem, cremie!" Alcremie posed at it.

Jenna giggled. "Too bad I can't preform, anymore..."

She sighed. "But... It brings back memories of... The incident..."

"Lucar!" Lucario reassured.

"You're right, Lucario!" Jenna smiled. "I don't need to sing, my dream doesn't need to happen! I have my friends and Pokémon, and my marvelous girlfriend! That's good enough, for me!"

"Times up!" Opal commanded. She went around, trying a slice of everyone's cake, giving back accurate accusations of their personalities.

She then made her way too Jenna. Jenna handed her a plate with a slice of cake, and backed away nervously.

"Hm..." Opal thought for a moment. "I taste... I happy and cheerful soul, very energetic. Much like Ash's... Only, instead of the hope for a dream... It's the fear to continue a dream."

Jenna stepped back.

"I'll battle Ash and Jenna! They're the winners. Anyone who can make a cake with that taste much be interesting in battle! I want to see this slight difference..."

Jenna and Ash ran to each other. "Battle buddies!" The cross there arms into an X, and giggled.

"Your cake is beautiful!" Chloe added.

"Thanks! Yours is, too!"

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