Astryn woke from a nightmare with a scream caught in her throat. Shadows curled around her comfortingly, whispering soft, soothing reassurances.

She could hear conversation outside of the room. She recognized the voices—Rhysand and the shadowsinger. She tuned them out and focused on the shadows instead. They were cool against her too warm skin. She watched curiously as they curled and coiled, caressing her lovingly.

"Safe," the shadows hummed to her softly, "you're safe."

"Am I?" she asked quietly, a few tears slipping out. The shadows curled up and wiped away her tears.

"Safe," they repeated softly, "safe."

Her breath shook but she nodded.

"Can I—is the food okay? There's none of...that stuff in it?" she questioned, a frown on her face. "It's okay?"

"They won't poison you," the shadows assured her, caressing her cheek gently, "you need food. Eat."

She stayed quiet for a few moments before she let out a quiet sigh and asked another question.

"The shadowsinger," she brought up hesitantly, "what's his name?"

She swore she could hear a smile in the shadows' voices as they purred out an answer, "Azriel."

"Azriel," she repeated, and she felt the shadows shiver against her skin. "I dreamed about him in the cave. Was that...did you do that?"

The shadows giggled as they curled around her.

"It wasn't us," they dismissed, "those dreams were your own."

She was quiet for a few seconds again, eyebrows furrowed as she thought over all the questions she could ask.

"Rhysand won't let him—or anyone near me. Why?" she inquired, to which the shadows scoffed.

"Overprotective," they hummed disapprovingly, "so overprotective."

"I don't like him," she confessed with a frown, "Rhysand, I mean. He's...he's scary. He...he wouldn't let anyone in the room other than the healer. He just kept yelling. He scares me. Azriel doesn't."

"He doesn't mean any harm," the shadows told her, "he lost family before. He had another sister once. She died before you were born. She was killed. He hasn't healed. He fears another loss."

Astryn didn't know what to say to that, so she changed the subject instead.

"Did Azriel dream about me too?" she questioned, staring at the shadows as they curled gently around her arm.

"You lived in darkness," they said sadly, "so he dreamt of darkness."

"That sounds unpleasant," she muttered, guilt tugging at her.

"It's nothing new to him," they dismissed, "he saw you only once in his dreams. Other than that, there was nothing more than darkness."

She didn't say anything after that, weighed down by the guilt of knowing Azriel had to suffer the darkness she lived in too.

"You should eat," the shadows told her, "you need food."

She hesitated, listening for a moment to make sure there was no one outside of her room before she let the shadows lead her to the dining room.

She stopped short when she saw Azriel sitting at the table. He looked up from his plate when she came in, his eyes widening a fraction. His hazel eyes were stunning. His short black hair hung down messily, hanging down his forehead just above his eyes. His wings were tucked behind his back, and she wondered how he was even able to support the weight of the massive wings.

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