chapter two

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a/n- your still here?? good i guess i dont need the ducktape and rope then.

dallas was gone and i just knew something bad was going to happen. hell, something bad always happens when he gets mad, but there was nothing we could do. none of us could have stopped him , even if we tried. it hurts me knowing that one day i could lose him forever, i dont know why, but it does.  

"come on Johnnycakes, let's go get you cleaned up" he nodded and let go of me as i did the same and walked to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit as he sat down on the toilet. "do you know who it was Johnny?" "the guy with the rings..." "he was the one that got you a few days ago, wasn't he?" he nodded as i begin cleaning his cuts. hearing him wince in pain breaks me more and more. he doesn't deserve this. his old man already beats him, now with the socs coming full force at him... the poor kid never catches a break "all done kid." "thanks y/n..." "you're welcome johnny cakes.
"i kissed his forehead and pulled him into another hug before we made our way back into the living room with the rest of the gang. "you okay johnny?" "yeah steve, i'm okay."
steve nodded and went back to arm wrestling soda "pony's in his room doing homework, if you'd like to go hang out with him." "okay.." he nods to me and walks off to ponys room. "poor kid" we all mumbled at the same was true, we feel bad for him. all the time, every day really, but he doesn't want our sympathy. the clock hits ten, still no sign of dallas. we all sat in the living room, waiting for his return ,thinking the worst. two bit kept cracking jokes to take our mind off everything, but deep down it wasn't helping. we all know something bad have probably happened.  those few hours turned in to all night... all night turned in to the next morning i'd barely slept. johnny and soda were both cuddled up to me when i finally fell asleep , hoping to see dally sitting in the floor as i woke up, but i was wrong. i woke up to the sound of pony saying my name.

"y/n.. wake up y/n!!" "what ponyboy?" i groaned and cuddled closer to soda."can you take me and Johnny to the movies?" "like right at this second?" "...yes" I opened my eyes and looked at him as he smiles "five more minutes..." "noo, the movie is going to start soon!!" "finnne" i wiggled out of sodas grip, watching pony run out the door ,dragging Johnny with him. i grabbed my blade off the table, following behind them till we reached the theater. "are you sticking around y/n?" "do i have a choice pony?" "not really." "well, there's your answer. lets head in before you miss the movie"  both of the boys nods as we all walked inside. the movie was boring. i'm not really the movie type, but I watch them because my little brother enjoy them. as we walked out of the movie house, sirens were blaring, headed to the park.  "uh oh..." "you dont think.." "nah couldn't be, but lets go check it out."  johnny and Pony nodded to me before we took off running to the park.  once we got there our stomachs dropped as Johnny mumbles "t-the guy with the rings... h-hes dead."
"did dally do this y/n?" "dont say a thing like that pony... dally would never." i hugged the boys close to keep them from having to see the lifeless body by the fountain "come on you two, lets go home.. " "should we tell the gang?" i looked over at Johnny when he mumbled "we have to."

we all kept all quiet. me, johnny, and pony told the rest of the gang what happened. none of us knowing what to do. this was bad, real bad. "maybe he just...snapped."  "darry, you know dallas. he may be crazy, but not this crazy." "i don't know y/n, he might have done this and you know it." "i said he didn't do it!" i sighed and held on to soda "sis i know he wouldn't do this, but it just cant be this big of a coincidence" "i know soda, i know."

i woke up in mine and Sodas room. i must have fell asleep on the couch. i rolled over and stretched before seeing my window open slightly, i quickly ducked down beside soda before hearing a voice.
"doll? you awake?"

edit credits: CallMeTurg27

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