chapter three

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i rubbed my eyes and sat up.
"huh?" "good, you're awake. can you come outside?" "uh... yeah, sure."  i crawled out of bed and threw on my jacket, thinking to myself "this has to just be a dream, right?" but sure enough it wasn't a dream. there stood dallas winston on my front porch. "hey dallas..."
he looks at me before lighting a cigarette.  he must have seen the look of fear on my face, not fear of him, but fear that he might actually have done this.  "y/n... listen, i know what you're thinking..i didn't do this i swear." "i know dallas. trust me i do, but the gang... not so much."
"that's why i'm talking to you. i know you'd believe me. "of course i will." i smiled slightly as he sighs
"i'm going out of town for a few months till this blows over. make it seem like i wasn't around."
"what? w-where?" "a small church on top of jay mountain."  i knew where that place was. really, dally has talked about it before, but i'd never think it would actually be useful. "you can drive, right doll?"
"well duh, why?" "i'm going to need you to do supply runs for me every now and then. can you handle that?" "i think i can manage."
he nodded before pulling me into a quick hug, patting my back slightly.
"be safe dal." "no promises." he did a half smirk and took off running down the street, leaving me standing there on the porch.

"hey,darry? I'm going to stay at Angie's this weekend, okay?"
"okay little buddy." "mmm... seems suspicious." "awh shut it steve!" "i'm just messing with ya." "i'm sure you are." i grabbed my bag and took off out the door, borrowing darrys truck. i started off on the long drive to to jay mountain. "oh great, it's starting to rain." i got lost in my mind on the drive, and even in the store while grabbing everything dally needs. just thinking about anything and everything. i eventually reached the mountain, and there it was... the church. i turned off the truck, grabbed the bags from the passenger seat, and walked to the church. "dallas? I'm here -" "well get your ass in here doll! hurry up." "yeah, yeah." i walked in and looked around. "heya doll." "hi dally.""did you get the stuff?" "yep! right here." "good job. maybe you are smart." "shut up." i handed him the bags and sat mine on a bench. "what's that?"  "well, i figured I could just stay the weekend here." "you sure about that y/n?" "yeah.." a soft smile spread across his face."thank you doll." "what was that?" "i said you're weird." i laughed quietly before he walked over and pulled me close to him, my body up against his. "uhh what are you doing?" "seeing how long you can go staying like this." "oh." a nervous laugh escaped my lips. i looked up at him, thinking to my self 'this boy has lost his mind. i escaped his grip, falling to the floor as he starts laughing. "shut up!" "dont worry doll, you're not my type. i just like to aggravate you in new ways." he winked and i rolled my eyes and sat up. "so what's the word in town?" "well... they're looking for you, brought me and the whole gang in for questions. but get this... they also have another suspect." "wait what? who?" i looked up at dallas, hope filled his eyes before he sat down beside me, laying his head in my lap. "we don't know... the fuzz wont release a name." "really man?" we both sighed in frustration. there was a loud crack of thunder that seemed to shake the old church, followed by lightning. i jumped slightly and closed my eyes. everyone in the gang knows i hate storms, and not having my brothers here makes matters worse. "hey doll.." "yeah dal?" "the storm's not going to hurt you. i'll keep you safe." a soft smile came across his face. its strange seeing Dallas Winston nice, but its a good change. "t-thanks dal." "mhm".

a few hours later the storm had passed. i fell asleep somehow, my head laying in dally's lap as he sat there, keeping quiet and playing with my hair. "heya doll." "what time is it?" "ehh... 7 am. " i groaned and heard a sound like a vehicle outside the church  "w.. whats that?" "i don't know, stay here. i'll check it out"

edit credits: CallMeTurg27

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