bonus chapter

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The beeps of the hospital equipment filled the room as I slowly opened my eyes. There's not many of us left in the gang. Mickey died a few years ago of kidney failure, he was 65. Darry passed away last summer at work from a heart attack, so it's just me, Soda, Steve, and Pony. JT still comes around every now and then. He grew up, got married, and had kids; a boy and a girl. Their twins‚ like me and soda. Steve married Evie‚ and move out of Tulsa. But, sadly, I think it's my time to go. I've been seeing Dally a lot recently, I feel his presence at all times, hearing his voice saying "You ready, doll?" I've always responded with "I've been ready, baby." But something has kept me from leaving, 'cause I know the cancer don't want to keep me alive, but I think it's the fear of dying alone like johnny had to. I can't imagine how he must have felt... I still have nightmares over his death. I still cry to this day over it.I hear him sometimes too, saying he missed me and all that fun stuff, but I just wanted my brothers to tell me it was Okay to go... god I'm tired though, just so tired....

I woke back up, I must have dozed off. But this time, there was Soda, Pony, and JT all beside me. Pony was laying in the bed, cuddled up to me. JT and Soda were asleep in the chair against the wall. I coughed and they all woke up.
"Hey y/n." "Hey momma! "Uh.. hey guys why are you all here?" I laughed quietly for a moment , I forgot I was in the hospital, but I saw Dally standing beside me, playing with my hair and looking at what's left of the gang, smiling. Pony latched on to me, crying quietly as Soda soon did the same. I coughed again. "I love you two. You were always my favorite pains in the ass." I cracked a smile and kissed them both on the forehead and they got up . JT came over and gave me a hug "I love you momma. "I love you too baby boy, you grew up to look just like your dad." I smiled and ruffled his hair up as I looked at soda as he nodded.
"You can-- You can go, sis. Tell Dal and Johnny we miss them." I smiled and shut my eyes. When I opened them again I was outside my body. My brothers and son were holding on to each other, crying. I looked over and there was Dally with his sideways grin.
"Hey doll." "Hi baby." He pulled me into a kiss as I latched on to him. A bright light appeared and disappeared. When I pulled away from the kiss, I was back in the family home. "Is this heaven?" I laughed softly. "This is our gangs heaven." Everyone was there. Mom, dad, Darry, Mickey, Johnny... now me and Dal. It truly was heaven.

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